“Two birds with one stone, hon,” she said and patted my shoulder. “We’ll talk later. Wish me luck setting them up!”
“It was great seeing you,” Rosie said and Phoenix added a wave before they followed Charlotte to the front of the room.
Crap, I forgot to ask Charlotte for a ride. I rotated my ankle slowly. The pain was on a whole new level. But I’d have to suck it up on the way home. I wasn’t about to approach those women again. I was worried I’d knock one of them out.
Chapter 15
The president of the civic association was droning on and on about how important it was that no sheds were built in anyone’s yard. Why did she care so much? No one would even be able to see them from the street.
I opened my eyes up wide to try to make myself stay awake. I should have tried to slip out before the meeting started. The conversation with Charlotte and the other women hadn’t gone great. But I had held my ground. And if they were trying to set Ben up with Sally’s daughter, then clearly they didn’t think anything was going on between me and him. Right?
I started tapping my foot and immediately stopped. The pain was searing. This extra strength Advil was total bullshit. It was worse than normal Advil. All it did was make me sleepy.
Stay awake. I glanced down at my watch. How had it only been five minutes?
My mind wa
ndered back to Ben. What was he doing right now? Eating dinner probably. My stomach growled. Nothing I ate was as good as that burger he had brought me. I wished I had asked him where it was from. Now I’d never know.
It was strange, but I had this overwhelming feeling of loss. Not because of the burger. Well, partially because of the burger. It was delicious. But mainly because of Ben. I barely even knew him. Why was I so fixated on him? All I knew was that I was happy when he had showed up on Monday morning. I had been looking forward to seeing him all weekend. For months he was all I had looked forward to. And that was just when I would see him. Now that we had talked? Touched? Kissed? God.
He was perfect for me. Somehow I just knew. But I was technically committed to someone else. I twirled my wedding band with my thumb. I just needed to learn how to smile and hide the truth. It was something I was used to doing. I needed to bury my feelings in a pit and walk away.
But that kiss. How could I forget that kiss?
“Is this seat taken?”
I had been replaying Ben’s voice in my mind on repeat. I knew before I even looked up that it was him. It felt like my heart started beating again when my eyes met his. His proximity made me feel cold and hot at the same time. He was the only one that could make me feel alive.
But what the hell was he doing here? I had just done damage control. He was going to ruin everything. “What are you doing here?” I shoved my left hand between my thighs to hide my wedding band and engagement ring. Had he seen it? Why did I even care?
He sat down as if my words were an invitation.“It’s for members of the community.”
“Yeah, I know,” I said.
He took off his jacket and settled into his seat.
“So…leave,” I added.
“Does it really pain you that much to sit next to me for an hour?” He was smiling at me.
“That’s not it.” I was having a hard time keeping my voice down. “I just cleared the air with the gawkers. And now you’re here sitting next to me. You’re probably not even allowed in here. Are you stalking me?”
He laughed. “Gawkers?” When I didn’t say anything he continued. “Addy, I’m here because I’m part of the neighborhood and I want to know what’s going on. Honestly, it has nothing to do with you. But thanks for letting me know about the meetings.” He turned to face the front of the room.
Nothing to do with me? What an ass. “You’re hardly part of the neighborhood.”
“You’re really stuck up, do you know that?” He was still looking at the president instead of at me.
And it made me jealous. And sad that he wasn’t here to see me. “I’m not…” I let my voice fade off. “You’re not getting it. It’s for people who live in the community. Not work in it.”
He finally turned back to face me. “You’ve been to my house, Addy.”
“No I haven’t. You keep showing up at mine uninvited.”
He put his arm on the back of my chair. He wasn’t touching me, but it was like he was claiming my whole body as his. Any chill that I was feeling was replaced by warmth. “Were you so drunk the first day we met that you don’t remember coming into my home?”
“I remember going into the house where you were mowing the lawn. Not your house. Some really organized couple who likes white.”