“Actually, I probably should write them down,” the nurse said. “They may still be in your system and we don’t want to give you anything that will interact…”

“I won’t be taking any new prescriptions either. I just need a word with the doctor.”

She eyed me coolly.

“Addy,” Ben said, pulling my hostility back to him.


He smiled.

I wanted to slap the grin off his face. Or kiss him. I didn’t know anymore. “Please just wait in the waiting room.” I begged him with my eyes.

A knock on the door sounded and the doctor walked in.

“How’s everyone doing?” he asked as he took the clipboard from the nurse. She walked out of the room in a huff. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled at us.

“He was just leaving too. Weren’t you shnookums?” I patted Ben’s knee. Shnookums? I wished I could blame a prescription for making me loopy. What kind of term of endearment was that?

“Nah, I’ll stick around, doll.” He placed his hand on top of mine, effectively sandwiching my hand between his and his knee.

The doctor looked back and forth between us before tucking the clipboard under his arm. “Joanne forgot to get your pulse.” He reached toward my wrist and I immediately pulled back, crossing my arm in front of me, and cringing because of my hurt shoulder. I’d take all the pain in the world to prevent him from seeing the scars on my wrists. I came here for the anonymity. I didn’t want him to know about my medical history. There was no time for his judgment. And I certainly wasn’t here for a lecture.

“My pulse is high,” I said, trying to keep my voice even. “My pulse is always high, you don’t have to take it.”

“Due to…stress?” the doctor asked.

“No. Due to constant annoyances.”

Both men stared at me. I thought at least Ben would laugh. But no one was laughing.

“I was joking,” I said with a forced laugh. “Obviously I don’t find either of you annoying. I don’t even know you, doctor. I’m sure you’re very competent in your profession. And I love my husband dearly.” My throat felt like it dried up. Had I just confessed to loving Ben? I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. At least his smile was back. But I was pretty sure he was laughing at me.

“She’s a tad high maintenance,” Ben said with a chuckle.

I didn’t know what was true and what was part of the character he was playing. Is that really what he thought about me? I had basically just said I was in love with him. And that was his response?

“But I love her to pieces.”

I definitely stopped breathing. It took me a second to remember this was all pretend. “I hurt my ankle,” I said, turning my attention back to the doctor. I just want to make sure it’s healing properly.”

“Let’s take a look then.” He knelt down in front of me and pushed up the leg of my jeans. “Looks like a minor sprain. You should ice it and keep it elevated as much as possible. You’ll be all healed up within two to three weeks.”

“Great.” I looked at Ben and then back at the doctor. “Could I have a word with you in private?”

“It’s okay,” Ben said. “Anything you say to him you can say in front of me.”

“No.” Again it sounded like I was whining. But I didn’t know what else to do. “It’s a private matter.”

If they checked my blood pressure again, it would be through the roof. I had lost all patience. I had come here for one thing and one thing only. Ben was ruining everything. This issue was bigger than him liking me. I needed help. I desperately needed help.

“Addy, just spit it out,” Ben said. “It’s okay.”

“Shnookums, that phone call…” Why did I keep calling him shnookums? What was wrong with me?

“It can wait. I’m here for you.”

His words were more comforting than he knew. But that didn’t make this any less mortifying. He wasn’t supposed to follow me back here. I was never supposed to talk to him at all. I turned to face the doctor and tried to pretend Ben wasn’t sitting next to me. But it was hard when his hand was so warm on top of mine. It was hard when every fiber of my being was so in tune with him. “I need…” The words got stuck in my throat. I wanted to scream in frustration. “I was hoping I could get a contraceptive implant.” The silence killed me. “Today. If possible.” To me, the silence was ear piercing. The words I spoke clearly made everyone in the room feel uncomfortable. “Please.” I looked down at my hand that was stuck underneath Ben’s. I thought he’d move his hand. But it stayed there. Locked in place.