
It was the tiniest noise. I wasn't even sure he consciously made it. But I loved that sound. I moved a little closer to him and closed my eyes. This was the feeling I had been searching for my whole life. He made me feel like I was finally safe.


"Sadie." He kissed the top of my head.

I slowly opened my eyes. I had definitely been caught in a compromising situation. My hand had slid underneath the front of his shirt while I was sleeping. I was basically molesting his abs. Geez, who needed a superhero when their boyfriend had abs of steel? I internally rolled my eyes at myself. Eli wasn't my boyfriend. We hadn't had that talk yet. But we spent every second that we could together. And I did love having my hands on his skin. What was I doing?

"Sorry," I said and immediately removed my hand.

"I wasn't complaining." He placed his hand on my lower back and shifted forward so that our bodies were still pressed together. "And I was wrong. Your bed is much better than mine. Or maybe it's just because you're on it with me."

I studied the top two undone buttons of his shirt. I wanted to see him. I wanted to see all of him. My hand shook slightly as I deliberately put it back on his abs.

"You're making it incredibly hard to move slowly with you." His voice sounded strained.

"I don't know if that's really what I want."

His hand slid to my ass.

"I'm trying to be respectful, but you're killing me, Sadie."

I could be whoever I wanted to be. My past meant nothing. The present was all that mattered. And Sadie Davis just so happened to be a little looser than Summer Brooks was. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought his lips down to mine.

He groaned into my mouth as he rolled over on top of me. I wanted his hands all over me. I never thought I'd feel safe enough to be in this position. But Eli was perfect.

"God, Sadie, you're so beautiful." He kissed me again as he pushed my hoodie and t-shirt up the sides of my torso, his palms flush with my skin. "Tell me to stop and I will. Just say the words."

His touch was like fire and ice. I wanted more, but at the same time, I did want him to stop. I wasn't sure I could handle it. I closed my eyes tight. No, I didn't want him to stop. My whole body felt alive. I needed this. I needed to move past my fears. "I don't want you to stop." My voice sounded small, but I meant it. I never wanted him to stop.

"Heyo," Kins said as she walked into the room. "Oh." She coughed awkwardly and Eli's hands fell off my skin.

"Sorry, I'm going to go," she said.

I pushed on Eli's chest, but he was already sitting up.

"Hi, Kins." My voice sounded oddly high-pitched. "No, you're fine, I actually have another class to get to."

"Oh, um..." her hand was still on the doorknob. "I didn't mean to walk in on you guys, my classes just keep letting out early. This college thing is easy."

I laughed. "That's because you haven't started any of the assignments yet."

"I think I've started the same ones that you two have." She winked at me.

Oh my God, Kins.

Eli cleared his throat. "I should probably get going too. See you tonight?"

The look in his eyes made me gulp. There was a promise in his gaze. A promise of what tonight would entail. I nodded and he kissed my cheek. Part of me was glad that Kins had walked in. I wasn't ready for the questions. I awkwardly touched my neck as Eli left the room.

"Hot damn, girl. I really am sorry I interrupted."

"No, it's fine. Nothing happened. We were just taking a nap and..."

"Making out like nobody's business?" She laughed.

Exactly. "I probably should get to class."