"Are you sure? Is there something I can do, hon? I know moving to the city is a big adjustment. Maybe you just didn't give it enough time?"

"No, I'm sure. I really am sorry."

"That's really too bad. I loved having you here. Honestly, you were the best help we've gotten in a long time." She pushed the box toward me. "I can't remember finding any necklaces recently, but maybe someone else put one in here."

I sifted through the contents. My necklace wasn't here. Damn it. Maybe I had lost it on my run? I bit the inside of my lip as I pushed a few more things around. At the bottom of the box there was a blank white card, almost identical to the one I had gotten with the slippers. I lifted up the top flap.

"You're terrible at this game, Sadie." My name was in quotes again.

It felt like all the air had been knocked out of my lungs. I lifted my eyes to Joan.

"Sorry, hon." She looked over my shoulder.

Before I could turn my head to see what she was looking at, I felt the barrel of a gun press into the back of my skull. I swallowed hard when I heard the person behind me cock it.

"Joan?" I hated how desperate my voice was. I wasn't going to beg her for my life. If she wanted me dead, there was nothing I could do. All I knew was that it wasn't Don behind me. If it was, I wouldn't still be breathing.

A smile curled over her lips. "You think I would normally hire someone with no references at my establishment? You think I'd give someone with slippery fingers a second chance? There are no second chances in the real world. My great grandfather built this business from nothing. I would never jeopardize his legacy."

I thought Eli was the bad guy. I put so much of my energy in to proving he was out to get me, that I hadn't seen the signs pointing to Joan. She was right in front of me the whole time and I had been completely blind. I trusted her. "Why?"

"Don's a friend. I promised to keep an eye on you."

"If you knew what he did to me..."

She laughed. "You think your pain makes you special? It just makes you human."

/> I swallowed hard. The things he did to me weren't human. "But he wants me dead. Why didn't you just kill me?"

The barrel of the gun seemed to press more firmly against my skull.

"Change of plans, hon. He's setting up shop here. But your friend seems to be messing up all of his plans."

I started to shake my head but immediately stopped as the gun nestled down to my neck. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"The only person Don wants dead more than you is that pesky vigilante."

No. "I don't know him."

"We'll see if you change your mind about that once you see our leverage."

"You can do whatever you want to me. But I don't know the vigilante."

"There's three reasons why that isn't true. Eli." She put one finger up. "Miles." She put up a second. "And Kins." She put up a third.

My roots. I had finally made friends and she was going to kill them. Please, no. I tried to put on my best poker face. "You're lying."

The smile returned to her lips. "Where's the fun in that?"

I held my breath. For one second. I had brought darkness here.

For two seconds.

And I was too late.

For three seconds.

I was the fire that destroyed everything in my path.