"What if it could lead me to Don? What if..."
"Are you seriously going to try take down the Helspet Mafia all by yourself? Just because you're wearing a pair of Converses and a hoodie doesn't make you a superhero. You need to get the hell out of New York City before you get us both killed."
Liza wasn't my friend. She wanted me to leave the city and take the darkness with me. I wondered if the vigilante would stay once I had left. Had he really started all this because of me? It had to be something more than that. He had to have a reason greater than my safety. I thought about the money he had been giving to the poor. I had put a great guy in danger for no other reason than my attraction to him.
I nodded. She was right. I wasn't a superhero. I was terrified of Don, and whenever I was in his presence I completely froze. "Thank you for everything," I said.
"And thank you for leaving."
No, she definitely wasn't my friend. Or maybe she just had social issues. I walked over to the door and opened it. She didn't even glance over her shoulder or wish me good luck. I closed the door behind me and shoved my hands into the pockets of the vigilante's hoodie.
That's when I felt the piece of paper. I pulled it out of my pocket as I stepped onto the elevator.
If you refuse to stop putting yourself in danger, at least make it a little easier on me. I added myself to your speed dial.
V. Did that stand for vigilante? Or did his name actually begin with a V? I studied the handwriting until the elevator door dinged open. Even his manly scrawl was sexy. But none of that mattered. I was his weakness. If anything, this note proved that. I had to leave. Besides, he had asked me to stop thinking about him. I slid the note back into my pocket. Maybe once I was safely out of New York, I could text him. I'd tell him I was okay and that he didn't have to worry, even if it wasn't the truth. The only thing I seemed capable of was lies.
Chapter 39
"Jesus, Sadie. I've been looking all over for you."
I hadn't expected Eli to be standing outside of my dorm building. But there he was, with more flowers, and more looks of apology on his face. He should have looked apologetic. He had been spying on me this whole time.
"I was busy." I stayed a few feet away from him. I didn't want him anywhere near me.
"Busy? Kins told me you were in the hospital. Are you okay? What happened?" He took a step closer.
Stay the hell away from me. "It was just a random mugging. But I'm fine. They didn't even steal anything."
The concerned look on his face seemed to falter. "You think I can't tell when you're lying to me, but I can. Look, let's go inside and we can talk about what happened." He took another step toward me.
"No." If I was going to start saving myself, now seemed as good a time as ever.
"Come on, we need to get inside." He didn't look like he cared about me at all. He looked pissed.
"I'm not going anywhere with you."
He exhaled slowly. "I'm not messing around. We need to go. Now." He grabbed my wrist.
"I'm not messing around either." I pulled my arm away from him. "I'm not going anywhere with you. You've been lying to me ever since we've met."
"Me? You're joking, right? I'm the one that's lying? You won't even tell me who hurt you." He was raising his voice. People on the sidewalk were starting to stare. He was just like Don, his temper seeming to rise without his control.
"Because I don't feel comfortable talking about it. You keep pushing an issue that I'm trying to get over. I can't talk about it because I don't want to. And this isn't about me, it's about you."
"Seriously? Because the list goes on and on for you. I specifically asked you to stop talking to Miles." He was yelling at me now. "And I had to find out from Kins that he spent all night and day by your side at the hospital. How do you think that made me feel?"
"Are you seriously jealous? It doesn't even seem like you like me. Why did you really ask me to stay away from him?" I was certain he had a whole different reason than whatever lie he was about to say.
"Because I like you. Of course I like you."
"All you do is lie to me! You wanted me to stay away from him because you thought he'd ruin everything."