No matter what I did, my mind always seemed to wander back to Miles. Maybe he wasn't stargazing at all. Maybe he was searching the city with his telescope for criminals. It couldn't be him, though. The soccer game was almost over when I left the stadium. It would have been nearly impossible for him to change and find me. And what would be his motivation?

"Hey," Kins said as she walked into the dorm.

I looked up from my computer. "Hey. I'm a little surprised to see you. You've been spending most nights at Patrick's."

She laughed and jumped onto my bed beside me, invading my personal bubble as usual. "I needed some girl time. It's weird, right?"

"What is? Hanging out with me?

Kins laughed. "No, I love hanging out with you. That's weird," she said and pointed to my computer screen where Eli's Facebook picture was still on my browser. "He only has like 10 pictures on his Facebook. There's quite a few friends in them, so you'd think he'd be tagged in more."

"Maybe it's set to private."

Kins shrugged. "Maybe. Did you know he didn't even accept my friend request? And I'm in his dorm all the time. It's not like we aren't friends. I feel like we're pretty close. Why do you never come over, anyway?"

"He's never invited me over actually."


I bit the inside of my lip. "What does he do while you and Patrick hang out?"

"Honestly, he's not there very much. But when he is, he watches TV with us or is on his computer. I would have assumed he was on Facebook, but that doesn't seem to be the case."

Interesting. I wanted to tell Kins about the vigilante. But having a criminal looking out for you didn't exactly seem normal. I was supposed to be blending in. So despite me wanting to confide in her, I bit my tongue.

"Here, let me show you something." She pulled my computer onto her lap. She logged into her Facebook and pulled up Patrick's page. His profile picture was of the two of them. She was smiling at the camera and he was kissing her on the cheek.

"That's adorable."

"It's not adorable. It's all moving too fast. Who makes their profile picture of a girl they just met anyway?"

"You two seem so happy when you're together."

"I do like him, don't get me wrong. But I don't want to settle down yet. I'm not an old lady. I want sexy, spicy, raunchy, smoldering hot sex three times a day so that I physically can't move."

I laughed. "And Patrick can't give that to you?"

She kicked her feet out in front of her. "I'm still moving and there's only an hour left of Saturday. So no, I guess not."

I laughed again. "Kins you're being ridiculous.

"Am I? I don't think so. Because I know who can give me what I want." She typed in Miles Young into the Facebook search bar.

My heart seemed to drop into my stomach. I didn't want to hear Kins talk about her growing crush on Miles. And I certainly didn't want to hear about her having raunchy sex with him. I didn't want to think about anyone having sex with him.


I looked at the Miles Young profile options that had come up. None of them were his, which I already knew. "Miles doesn't have a Facebook profile."

"No, he does. Something is just wrong with your computer." She handed it back to me and typed in Miles' name on her phone. "See."

What the hell? I grabbed her phone from her. Miles did have a Facebook account. And there were tons of pictures of him. I scrolled through them slowly. His arm slung around some girl at a party. Him with his soccer jersey on. Him with another girl. And another. And another. He was a player. He probably played girls as well as he played soccer.

"Sex with him woul

d be mind-blowing, don't you think?"

I blinked away the tears in my eyes as I started scrolling faster. Him at prom with some girl I didn't recognize. Him with his parents at graduation. I felt like I had missed out on his whole life. All those years that I had held out hope, he truly had forgotten about me. I'm invisible. "He's a pig. There's a different girl in every single one of his pictures."