Page 30 of Festive Flings

I have been left in charge at the office while Mr. Matthews and Jamie are away on business in Copenhagen, which gives me slightly more flexibility. I am getting in to work earlier and either taking a longer lunch or leaving earlier at the end of the day so I can spend time with Lauren.

My world begins and ends with her now. I am completely besotted with the shy beauty with the dimpled smile, sexy green eyes and curves to die for. I have tried to take cues from Lauren and her body language, and until last night she appeared closed off to anything other than kissing and holding hands.

I wonder if someone has hurt her and made her scared of opening up to me. I just want to cherish her and adore her. I want her to know how amazing she is. Maybe if I tell and show her enough, she will begin to realise it for herself.

Until last night, we had cuddled, but she had hardly touched me. And then from nowhere, we were kissing when she timidly moved her small hands from the sides of my face down and over my chest before cuddling into me. Her breasts pushed against my chest where her hands had just been while she rested her head between my neck and shoulder. This may seem so tiny to others, but to Lauren and I, this was a massive step. This was intimate and deeply arousing. I failed to keep my hard on away from her, but I felt that she also needed to feel the effect she had on me. I swear I saw a small smile on her gorgeous face when she did.

I am due to visit my sister and her family tonight, as I do every Wednesday. I invited Lauren, too, but she had prior plans. I think she might be willing to come with me next week though. I sincerely hope so. My sister will love her, and her approval means the world to me.

My sister, Felicity, lives in Essex, so it’s close enough for me to visit, but I don’t pass by daily or anything. She lives there with her wife, Marie, and their two children, Lyndon and Celeste. Our family moved down south when we were teenagers. We are originally from Liverpool, and although my accent has smoothed over time, my friends still call me scouse, a slang used to describe the famous Liverpool accent, because it’s still very obvious to them that I am from there.

My sister, Fliss as I call her, has everything that I have ever dreamed of: the house, the wife, the kids. And yet, there was a time when she worried that she would never be able to have these things because of her sexuality. Fliss gives me hope that what I desire will come to me, too, and that no situation is hopeless.

I have been deliberately vague in my replies to her quizzing text messages, and the more obscure I am, the more it piques her intrigue, until this morning she sends me a message telling me she knows something is going on and she intends on interrogating me until I tell her every last detail. I can’t wait to tell her everything and to ask her advice on how to proceed with Lauren.

When I arrive at their house, my niece runs to me with her arms outstretched so I can lift her. “Uncle Tim, Uncle Tim. Look at my tooth. It felled out, and the tooth fairy came and left a penny for me.” Celeste opens her mouth up and shows me the gap where her tooth once was.

“Oh my word! You’re growing up too fast, Celeste. Did it hurt?” She giggles as I swing her up and tickle her when she tells me it didn’t hurt. “Where is Lyndon?”

“He’s playing football in the back garden. He said he’s waiting for you.” I have been teaching my nephew a few moves since he signed up to the local football team. Now, he has me sitting duck in the goal while he tries to score anything and everything past me. “Did you bring some sweeties, Uncle Tim?”

My running joke with the children is that I bring them sweets every Wednesday and they hide them from their mums. Their mums know. I wouldn’t keep stuff like that from them, but the kids think it’s our little secret, our high jinks, just for us.

“Of course I have, my little butterfly. Here you are.” I hand over the loot, and she jumps up and down on the spot in her excitement. “The bubble gum is in there; what you asked for.”

“Thank you, Uncle Tim. I love you.” My heart swells at her words; she’s such a sweet little girl.

“I love you too. Now quick, take them to the stash before the mums see.” Her little legs move at the speed of light as she hides the sweets away for her and her brother.

“There you are. Come on, get inside and tell me all your news.” My sister pops her head out the door and invites me in. “Is she running to stash your sweets?” she asks with the hint of a smile on her face. I laugh in reply as I try to hug her, but her swollen tummy prevents a proper embrace.

“Wow! Fliss, you look ready to burst. Are you sure it isn’t twins this time?” I ask her while I touch her tummy. Baby number three is due around Christmas and will be called Noel or Joy in tribute, or so my sister told me. I am on babysitting duty when the time comes, and I am looking forward to being an uncle again.

“Never mind all that. What is going on?” She is not giving up, but Lyndon saves me by knocking on the French doors and pointing to his ball.

“I’ll have to tell you in a little while, duty calls,” I say as I make my way out to see my nephew.

“So you admit there is something to tell at least.” I smile back as I walk away, and she groans out loud in frustration.

Night falls quickly at this time of year, so, despite taking my flexi-day so I had extra time with my family, our practising is called off after only twenty minutes because we can no longer see each other.

When I go back inside, my sister-in-law has also returned from work and comes to greet me with a glass of wine for both of us which we clink together.

I love this time with my family. Since our mum passed away, it's just me and Fliss, and I cherish the time we get. I know how precious our time together is.

Once we’ve eaten, my sister lets the children play so she can interrogate me. I gush about Lauren and how lovely she is, and I can practically see the joy dancing about in Fliss’ eyes. She is so happy for me. Before I leave to go back home, Fliss pulls me in for a hug. “Invite her for dinner. invite her for Christmas. I can see the change in you. Is she the one?”

I smile before I reply, “I think she is.”

~ Jamie ~

The date with Owen is going even better than I could ever have dreamed of. From the way he acts and talks to me, I do wonder how long he’s wanted to have a more private relationship with me. We know each other, we are colleagues and friends, but now I’m getting to know him on a whole different level, and I really like it.

I worried about things being awkward between us. Owen seemed like he was holding back until I stormed into his room drunk as a skunk without any sort of filter on what I was telling him. Now he is confident again, he seems more like the Owen I have always known and admired. I want him. I’m shocked when I realise that I never craved Carl in this way.

I love how bold he is with me. I love the public displays of affection; I’m not referring to him making me cum in the restaurant because hopefully no one saw that! But he held hands with me, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He even kissed me in front of one of the fifteen Christmas trees, and it was so romantic. I am doing little internal squeals at the thought of it. It’s almost as if Owen is proud of being with me.

When he says he wants to go back to the hotel, I take mercy on him. We are going to sleep together tonight; to be honest, I think we deserve medals to have lasted a whole night. I just want to get him out of his clothes and feel the delicious contact of his skin against mine. The way he brought me to climax on the balcony was so intensely hot. I am eager to find out what else he can do. I also have a few things I want to try out on him. Things I have never really tried, not enthusiastically anyway.