Page 63 of Let Them Talk

“It’s good.”

She shivered at the sound of his raspy voice. “Have some more.” She scooped another dollop of chocolate and brought her hand to his mouth. She bit her lip as the chocolate landed on his stubbled chin.

“Sorry,” she said. “Let me get that.” She reached out to wipe the smear away when an idea popped in her head. She blindly followed the impulse and leaned forward. She inhaled his masculine scent and licked the chocolate from his chin.

She loved the sensation of the thick chocolate against the stubble on Connor’s chin. Laura closed her eyes as she enjoyed the combination of the sweet treat against his salty skin. She couldn’t resist laving her tongue against his jawline once the chocolate was gone.

Connor tensed and suddenly desire pulsed under his skin. She drew her mouth away, her lips so close to his. She dragged air into her lungs as her heart skipped a beat. Connor’s warm breath buffeted against her skin. She knew she should pull away and give some sassy comment. But she didn’t want to.

He dipped his head and claimed her mouth with a kiss.

It was a sweet, almost tender kiss. It was nothing like what she had expected and yet it was everything she had hoped for. His touch was gentle. Loving. Her chest swelled with emotion as Connor softly explored her mouth. Tears stung the edges of her closed eyes as she leaned in.

Connor abruptly pulled away. Laura wobbled, almost dizzy from the shift in his mood. She quickly regained her balance, her hand clenched around her spatula as if that would stabilize her. The thought more chocolate next time looped in her head.

“I’m sorry, Laura.” He took a step down from the stairs and looked at his bare feet. “I shouldn’t have done that. It’s late and I’m tired.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

“Yes, there is.” He folded his arms as if he had to trap his hands against his body so he couldn’t reach for her. “I have no interest in pursuing you. Pursuing this.”

She took a step back. “Ouch.”

He gave her a sharp glance. “You know what I mean. We are friends. Just friends.”

Laura crossed her arms as if it could shield her from any more hurt. She tried to act casual and licked the spatula again. “That’s not what you told Valerie.”

Connor splayed his arms out with exasperation. “I did that to help you out. We are good friends. The best. I value our friendship too much.”

She took another lick of the sticky sweet chocolate and decided it could use a shot of alcohol. Anything to numb the pain of rejection.

“You are the best friend I’ve ever had,” he confessed.

She believed him, and it wasn’t because of the deep sincerity in his voice. She knew it because of all their late-night talks, their growing need to do everything together and the affection between them. But she wanted more. Couldn’t he see that the only way to save their friendship was to get this attraction out of their systems? “You’ve heard of friends with benefits?”

His jaw tightened as he scowled at her. “That never works. Believe me.”

She gave a shrug. “Maybe you just weren’t very good friends to begin with.”

“I’m not going to ruin what we have for something that has no future.”

“Why does it have to have a guaranteed future?” She gritted her teeth. “Not everything has to be a long-term commitment from day one—”

He flattened his hand against his bare chest. “But that’s what I want.”

She silently licked the chocolate and realized she was developing an aversion to it.

“I moved to Seedling a year ago because I wanted something different in my life. I want a place I can call my own. Create something with my hands and make it last. And I want to share it with a wife and a big family.”

“You know that’s never going to happen.”

Connor flinched. “Why? You don’t think I deserve it?”

She hadn’t meant to hurt him with her words. She’d only wanted him to realize that he was going about it the wrong way. Laura took a step forward and pressed her hand against his bare chest, wanting to comfort him. She was grateful that he didn’t turn away. “No, if anyone deserves it, it’s you.”

“I’m willing to work hard to get what I want.” His voice was raw and she felt his heart pumping hard against his chest.

“But the women you date don’t want to settle down with you. They are looking for excitement.” Laura had seen the thirst for adventure in their eyes. She recognized it because the men she’d dated who’d only been out for a good time had had that same glint in their eyes. “You’re new in town, and mysterious. They think you are that one wild fling before they settle down with someone else.”