Page 55 of Let Them Talk

She heard a knock at her open office door and was grateful for the interruption. Isabel saw her friend Sydney standing at the threshold. She was a welcome sight.

“You look like hell,” her friend said.

“Thanks,” Isabel replied and made a face. She knew she hadn’t been able to hide the fact that she hadn’t slept for the past couple of days.

“Laura and I decided we need an emergency book club meeting tonight,” Sydney announced. “Don’t worry, no boys allowed this time.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I’m fine.”

“How can you say that?” Sydney asked as she looked at Isabel intently. “It’s only been a couple of days since you broke up with Sean. Have you heard from him?”

“He’s been calling and texting. And then I got these yesterday.” She motioned at the flowers on her desk. She could avoid his calls but she hadn’t been able to throw away the flowers. The exotic arrangement had a special hidden meaning. Sean could have given her a traditional bouquet of roses but instead he’d gone for something striking. Something that suited the bolder side of her. The gesture had surprised her, along with the note that had simply said “Please forgive me.”

She wanted to forgive him, and his words continued to linger in her mind. Had he really been interested in her all this time? Was she the only reason he attended the Sunday night dinners?

Isabel wanted to believe she meant something to him. He had made her feel wanted and desired. Cherished and adored. Loved. Had it all been an act? Now she wasn’t so sure.

But she wished she hadn’t been so open with him. Showing her true self had been the biggest risk of all. It was safer to hide.

Laura rushed to the office door, nearly bumping into Sydney. “Uh...Isabel, I just wanted to give you a heads-up.”

Isabel took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes again. “Whatever you did, we can fix it.”

“No, it’s nothing like that.” Laura paused. “Well, there is something I did but we can deal with that later. I just saw Sean walking up to the library.”

Isabel’s heart leaped against her ribs. She wanted to see Sean and yet she had to avoid him. If she talked to him now, she would tell him how she felt. It would be uncensored and it would reveal how much she loved him.

“It’s a public building,” Sydney told Laura. “He’s allowed in.”

“Oh, I think he’s coming here for Isabel,” Laura said and wiggled her eyebrows.

Isabel was tempted to lock herself in her office. But it would only delay the inevitable. Sean wanted one last showdown. He wanted the last word. Fine, she decided. She was going to let him have it and then they could move on, once and for all.

Isabel slowly got up from her seat and calmly stepped out of her office. She warned herself to act cool and confident. Show no emotions. Hide behind the prim and proper facade.

And her plan evaporated when Sean entered the building. Her breath hitched in her throat as he strode toward her. His expression was as severe as the lines of his black pinstripe suit. It took a moment to register that he was carrying the blue-and-green-printed stiletto heels. The blue ribbon ankle straps dangled between his fingers.

He stood in front of her and she couldn’t think of a word to say. The shoes were incongruous next to his professional attire, almost dainty against his masculine hand.

“You forgot these.” He held them out to her.

She clasped her hands in front of her. She wasn’t going to get any closer to him. She didn’t trust her restraint. “They are not mine.”

“They should be.”

Isabel straightened her shoulders and met his gaze. There was no gleam of battle in his light blue eyes. She couldn’t quite tell what he was thinking. “I don’t want them.”

“Yes, you do. And you should have them.” His voice dipped. “Not just own them, but wear them.”

She felt a blush scorch her cheeks. She didn’t want everyone to know about her collection of shoes and her hesitancy to wear them. It revealed too much about her shortcomings.

Isabel was very aware of her friends watching the exchange. “Let’s...” She paused and looked back at her office. No, she couldn’t be alone with Sean in that room. “Let’s step outside for a moment.”

She gestured at the door he had just entered. Sean’s expression didn’t change. There was no relief or triumph in his eyes. He was determined. Focused. She led him out to the front of the library and halted at the bottom of the steps.

“I meant what I said before,” Sean said in a rush. “I think you are perfect the way you are. But that doesn’t mean you have to hide your sensual side.”