Page 6 of Let Them Talk

I stripped off my dress and tossed it on his cluttered desk. I     stood naked before him. I should have felt nervous. Anyone could walk in on us.     The open windows behind him overlooked the busy town square. Anyone could see.     But I didn’t care. I loved the way he stared at me. It made me feel desirable.     Beautiful. Invincible.

Tilting my head back, I allowed my hair to fall past my     shoulders. I had nothing to hide. I arched my spine as if I was offering my bare     breasts to him. My nipples were tight, my breasts heavy, as anticipation flowed     through me.

X parted his lips and said—

“Morning, Sydney.”

Sydney yelped and jumped in her seat, her heart lurching at the     sound of Matthew Stone’s voice. She dropped her pen and glanced up, just as     Matthew set his coffee mug on the table.

“Uh, hi.” She blinked and looked around. The scent of coffee     and baked goods suddenly hit her. Multiple conversations overlapped as the clink     of silverware sounded loud to her ears. She’d forgotten that she was at Dawson’s     Diner, the most popular meeting place in Seedling. Today it was even more     crowded than usual as people grabbed their morning coffee or had breakfast with     friends.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” Matthew said as he sat     down across from her.

“It’s okay. I was just working on something until you arrived.”     Sydney stared at Matthew, noticing every detail of his white T-shirt and blue     flannel shirt to his jeans and boots. She wished she didn’t feel so hot and     jittery. Why had they set up this meeting? For an interview. Right. She was     writing an article on the proposed walking trail and he’d agreed to comment.

“Is that your writing assignment?” Matthew gave a nod to the     notebook in front of her. Words covered every inch of the page, crowding each     other and spilling past the margins, as if she had too many ideas for the paper     to hold.

“Uh, yeah.” She quickly closed the cover and stuck the book     under the short pile of notebooks she kept for taking notes. Sydney wondered why     she kept writing the fake erotic diary when she was in public. Someone could     easily lean over her shoulder and read her work. Maybe it had something to do     with the reoccurring theme in her diary—exhibitionism. In almost every scenario     she had written in the past week, she and Matthew were so overwhelmed with     desire that he’d taken her between the stacks in the library, over a desk in his     office or in the park after midnight.

“What kind of book club has a writing assignment?”

“It’s not your typical book club,” she muttered as she grabbed     her cup of tea and took a big gulp. It had grown cold and she had to choke it     down.

“So I’ve heard.”

Sydney froze and glanced at the counter where her friend Laura     was working. Some of the discussions they had at the book club were frank and     personal. She couldn’t imagine Isabel or Laura describing them to someone else.     “Really?” She carefully set down her teacup. “What have you heard?”

His smile was slow and sexy, and she wiggled uncomfortably in     her seat. Matthew Stone’s smiles always teased her senses.

“I heard about the book you’re reading now.” He frowned as if     he was trying to remember the title. “It was written by a madam who owned a     brothel. Tips on seducing a man, or something like that.”

Sydney nodded. “Laura recommended it. She chose it because it’s     being challenged at the library and a few people want it banned. I’m not really     sure why they are suddenly making it an urgent matter since the book has been in     the library for almost twenty years.”

“They probably didn’t know it was there until now.” Matthew     leaned back in his chair. Sydney stiffened as she noticed it was the same move     she had imagined him making in her fake diary. “What do you think of the book so     far?”

She shrugged. “It’s written to shock the reader, and it doesn’t     offer a lot of insight or information. Then again, seducing a man isn’t rocket     science.”