Page 45 of Let Them Talk

Isabel stared at him. What exactly was he suggesting? “You think I need to get out of this phase?” She was enjoying where she was at in her life. It wasn’t comfortable or easy, but she liked who she was becoming.

“More like you should be guided through it.” His mouth slanted into a wicked smile as he moved his hand up along her body. “I’m happy to help.”

Isabel closed her eyes, determined to hide her troubled thoughts. What was wrong with the way she was right now? Didn’t Sean like this side of her? No, he wanted her to show the same ruthless control over her desires that he did. He believed she should hide her sensual nature so she didn’t destroy what she had.

But what if he had a point? What if this recklessness was temporary? Could she justify throwing away her hard-earned reputation for something that wouldn’t last?

Isabel slowly opened her eyes and met his gaze. His teasing smile had been replaced with an earnest expression. It seemed that he truly cared about her. “Why do you want to help me?” she asked.

“Honestly, I don’t want you to do something that you would regret.”

“I’m not my mother,” she said with a sigh.

“And I don’t want you to do something reckless,” Sean continued, cupping her cheek with his hand. “Or get caught. I’ve lived in a town where my reputation was so bad that the only way I could overcome it was to leave. I don’t want you to be forced to make the same choice.”

“Is that the only reason you want to help me?”

His features tightened, making him look harsh and intense. “I want to be the only man in your rebellion.” Possessiveness roughened his voice.

Isabel felt a secret thrill curling low in her stomach. “I can arrange that.” She tipped her chin up, eagerly welcoming his kiss.

“I’m serious, Isabel.”

“Okay, Sean.” Isabel linked her arms over his shoulders. “I will not try out any seduction techniques or aphrodisiacs on anyone but you.”

“Brat,” he muttered before he claimed her mouth with a kiss.

* * *

SEAN STRODE ALONG the sidewalk of Main Street. It was hot this afternoon and he tilted his head up to savor the sunshine. For a moment he was tempted to ditch the file folder in his hand, hunt down Isabel and spend the rest of the day with her in bed.

He frowned as he noticed his trailing thoughts. That wouldn’t do. It had taken him years to develop the discipline he needed to become a success. He enjoyed his job, was proud of his accomplishments, and he wanted to continue making a positive impact in his community.

But he had become very distracted this past week. The fling he was having with Isabel was dangerous. A bad idea. And he couldn’t stop. He didn’t want to.

He stopped at the crosswalk, pondering what he was doing with Isabel. Keith Bennett had asked him earlier today about the progress he had made. Bennett had heard rumors about Isabel that ranged from her putting together a display of frequently banned books in the library to her conducting a secret love affair.

Sean saw a flash of peach from the corner of his eye. Isabel. Sean gritted his teeth. He always associated that color with Isabel. He connected everything he saw, heard and felt with the woman. Isabel Bennett was constantly on his mind.

He turned his head and spotted Isabel staring intently at a storefront window. Heat washed over him, expanding inside, pressing against his skin. Sean knew the smart thing to do would be to keep walking and pretend he hadn’t noticed her. He needed to start distancing himself from her.

But surely in public he could control his reaction to her. Sean walked toward her, anticipation pressing against his chest. She hadn’t moved by the time he approached her. He said her name softly but she didn’t turn. Sean took a moment to study her.

He ached to pull her into an embrace, brush his hand against her skin and welcome her with a kiss. But he couldn’t. The rumors were already spreading about Isabel. Today as he’d crossed the town square he had heard a conversation between two elderly women suggesting Isabel only read books that would help her on her “manhunt.” The other had claimed that no man in town was safe. That Isabel was becoming just like her mother.

Sean knew none of it was true. Isabel wasn’t on the hunt. She had already captured him. Every man in town was safe, except for him.

“Isabel?” he said.

She jumped at the sound of his voice. “Sean!” Her eyes widened and a secretive smile danced on her lips at the sight of him. She clasped her hands together as if she was preventing herself from touching him.

He loved the way she looked at him. It was more than that she was happy to see him; there was also desire there. If they’d been somewhere private, she would act on the promise in her eyes. Greet him with a gentle kiss that would burn out of control.