Page 35 of Let Them Talk

“Don’t give her any ideas, Miss Doris,” Sean said as he strolled through the door.

“Sean.” Isabel’s breath caught in her chest as he approached the desk. The silent library suddenly came alive. Sean Hawkins strode into any room like a conqueror, immediately taking command. He wore a blue pinstripe suit and he had a determined look in his eyes. He had an energy, a powerful aura, that made people take notice.

Doris pursed her lips with disapproval. “What are you doing here, Sean Hawkins? You never visit the library.”

“Miss Doris, I had no idea that you kept track of me,” he said with a smile as he leaned against the desk next to the older woman. “I’m touched that you care.”

“Harrumph. I always keep my eyes on the troublemakers.”

“Now I’m wounded.” He flattened his hand on his chest. “I’m always on my best behavior.”

“That’s what worries me,” Doris said as she hooked her bag over her shoulder and left. “I know a troublemaker when I see one.”

Sean watched Doris Brown march to the exit. “That woman never liked me,” he said as she left the building.

“It’s because you’re not originally from Seedling,” she assured him.

“No, that can’t be it.”

Isabel couldn’t imagine any other reason. Sean was hardworking, took care of the people at the Bennett Company as if they were family and could be charming when he wanted to be. With his formal dress and manners, he was the kind of man every little old lady adored. He should be boring and bland, but instead he was the most exciting man Isabel knew.

She had learned a lot about Sean since he’d moved to Seedling three years ago, but she wanted to learn more. She had only caught a glimpse of his primitive sexual side. It had excited her and it had answered something deep within her. She wanted to explore it further.

But he didn’t. Why? If he were the opportunist he claimed to be, wouldn’t he jump at the chance? What they had shared was amazing. He should be pursuing her, begging for more.

But what if that night hadn’t been amazing for Sean? What if that was the real reason he didn’t want to make the one-night stand into something more? What if she lacked the excitement he needed?

Isabel tamped down the anxious thoughts and met Sean’s gaze. There was something different in the way he looked at her today. His light blue eyes held a predatory gleam.

Impossible. The man had no interest in hunting her. It was wishful thinking on her part.

“Why are you here, Sean? I don’t remember you coming into the library before, either.” She tilted her head as she considered his lack of visits. “Do you have a library card?”

“I wanted to talk to you about your book club,” he said. “I want in.”

She blinked a few times. She couldn’t possibly have heard that correctly. “Excuse me?”

“I want to join your book club.”

He seemed serious. “Why?” The word dragged out of her mouth.

“Why do most people join a book club? To discuss books and read something out of their comfort zone.”

Isabel frowned. “You only read emails and business magazines.”

“True.” Sean nodded. “Time to broaden my horizons, don’t you think?”

“No. What are you up to, Sean?” She couldn’t figure out what his angle could be.

“When’s your next meeting?”

She straightened her shoulders. No, no, no. He wasn’t going to invade her book club. She wasn’t going to have him ask provocative questions or slice through her arguments. Okay, so that would be welcome in most book clubs, but she wasn’t going to share her thoughts with him about these books. “It’s by invitation only.”

“Then invite me.”

She shivered at his low and rough voice. “No.”

“Why not?”

“You wouldn’t understand.” Their meetings were her safe place. A time to bounce ideas off her friends and ask questions. After plenty of Sunday dinners with Sean, she knew the Blacklist Book Club’s discussions would completely deteriorate into a battle of wills if he was there.

Sean rested his chin against his hand. “Are you worried that I would learn all your secrets? Find out all the tricks and tips from your readings?”

It was a concern. Knowledge was power. These books emboldened her and she was learning how to reach out and take what she wanted. But the bold side of her wasn’t fully formed, and she couldn’t discuss these subjects with him until it was.

“I want to join the book club,” he said firmly.

“No.” Never. Not going to happen.