Page 7 of Let Them Talk

Matthew tilted his head and crossed his arms. “Is that     right?”

Sydney stared at his muscular arms, wondering how they would     feel around her as he gathered her close to his chest...or braced on either side     of her as he lay on top of her...or lifting her as he took her against the     wall... She cleared her throat and focused on his eyes. “Although the author     describes some male fantasies that seemed ridiculous to me.”

He gave her a thoughtful look. “Such as?”

“Such as having your lover meet you at your office wearing     nothing but a coat and heels.” She scoffed at the idea and tossed her hands in     the air. “Would you want your lover to do that?”

“Hell, yeah.”

His gruff voice pulled at something deep inside her. “Really?     Why?”

“What’s not to like about that scenario?” His eyes glittered as     he considered the fantasy. “A woman is taking the initiative and making it clear     that she wants you right here, right now. That’s always a turn-on.”

“I don’t think that’s the thing that’s turning men on.” At     least, that hadn’t been her personal experience. “It’s the fact that the woman     is exposing herself to a great deal of risk.”

“The guy wouldn’t let her get caught. It’s for his eyes only.”     From his tone, Sydney realized Matthew would take care of his woman even in the     throes of passion. “That’s part of the fantasy.”

“No, the most important part of the fantasy is that everyone     knows what you are doing. If I visited a man at work and was wearing a trench     coat, all of Seedling would be aware that I didn’t have anything on underneath.     And that’s the turn-on for men.” She frowned and looked away. “They want to show     how much power they have over women. Show the world that they can make normally     reasonable women take stupid risks.”

Matthew took a sip of his coffee. “How many men have you played     out this fantasy for?”

“None,” she said with a proud tilt of her chin. “I’m not into     power plays.”

His mouth tilted into a lopsided smile. “It’s supposed to be a     fun fantasy.”

Sydney pursed her lips and wrinkled her nose. “If a guy I’m     dating showed up at my work in nothing but a trench coat, I’d worry he was a     flasher.”

“Women have different fantasies,” Matthew said, his smile     widening. “Some want the romance, others want it rough and dirty.”

“And what do you think I want?” Sydney winced. She wished she     could take back that question. It was too personal. What if Matthew got it     wrong? Her chest tightened. What if he got it right?

Instead of dismissing the question, Matthew gave it some     consideration. He leaned forward and propped his chin on his hand as he studied     her. He was very near and she was tempted to move back. The intensity in his     gaze unnerved her but she refused to look away.

Matthew suddenly dropped his hand and grabbed his coffee cup.     “You’d want it in public.”

Sydney’s lips parted as her heart skipped a beat. “Say     what?”

“You’d like the trench-coat fantasy as long as the guy was     taking an equal risk.”

She vigorously shook her head. “The risk is always unequal. If     the couple gets caught, the man gets a pat on the back and the woman’s     reputation is torn to shreds.”

“I’m thinking you’d want a public place with an element of     danger,” he continued as if she hadn’t spoken. Matthew tapped his finger against     his chin. “Two people who are so hot for each other that they forget where they     are.”

Sydney stared at him. It felt as if she’d been found out.     Caught. Her heart pounded against her chest as adrenaline sizzled through her     bloodstream.

“Am I right?” he asked.

“I don’t have any fantasies,” she lied as she straightened in     her chair.

His eyebrows rose. “Sure you do. You have to have at least     one.”