Adelaide sensed their presence before she saw them. She turned, smiling one of those love-heart-eye smiles as they walked through the door with Levi and Connor already chatting like they were the best of friends. Mike got up to greet King, and Adelaide laughed at his surprised look. The Gold Coast may be a city, but at its heart, it really was a beach village where with six degrees of separation everyone knew everyone. King spotted her and his grin matched her own.

“No fucking way,” Phoenix breathed as King walked across the room and wrapped her in his arms. She kissed him with smiling lips and laughed when Phoenix leaned against the wall, crossed his legs at the ankles, and drawled, “I can see why they wouldn’t get jealous.”

Adelaide introduced them and added, “Yeah, it doesn’t normally get quite so physical in my sessions.” Adelaide opened her arms to include Liam, leaning into him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“Wait, you saw us?” King squeaked, wide-eyed.

Phoenix nodded. “It was spectacular. Hot as hell, but beautiful too. I’m happy for you guys.”


“I’m the bartender who served you. But don’t worry, no one will hear a word from me.”

“You signed a non-disclosure agreement too,” Liam concluded, his shoulders relaxing a fraction. But his eyes flitted to King then hers, looking for reassurance. Adelaide squeezed his waist, wanting him to know he was safe. No one in the room would betray their confidence.

“Yes, but even still, I know how important it is to protect the people important to you. You can lose everything when someone butts their nose in where it’s not wanted.” He looked to Cassie and Jake. “I lost the most important people in my life for years, but Adelaide helped me get them back. She also showed me that I have friends who’ll help me, even if I hadn’t met them yet. The non-disclosure agreement ties me legally, but I’ll always protect my friends—Adelaide, and by extension the two of you, are among them.”

Phoenix grinned, lifting the mood, and pointed toward his partners. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He strutted over to his lovers, joining them in their slow dance in the small space where Adelaide guessed the kitchen table normally stood.

Liam hugged her close. “I really like your friends.”

“You heard Phoenix. They’re yours too now, Lee. They’re good people.”

He smiled shyly at her words. “It feels good to open up our circle a little more. Bryce and now these guys. I just wish Lij had reacted the same way everyone here did.”

“He’s getting there,” King reassured him. “He was scared of losing you.”

A vibration had her pulling back. Liam’s phone.

“Bryce, mate, how are you?” he greeted warmly. “Would you believe I’m at a party with your cousin Levi? I’ve just met him.”

Liam snuggled close again, and Adelaide nuzzled his chest, loving that she could openly show them both affection. She heard Bryce respond from her spot against Liam’s heart. “Yeah, cool.” There was a pause, and Liam’s brows dipped. He looked around, but Adelaide didn’t know what he was searching for.

“You okay, mate?” he asked, concern lacing his voice.

Standing close, Adelaide heard Bryce say, “No. Um, I… I’ve lost my contract at Easts. They don’t want me anymore. I’m a liability.”

“What do you mean a liability?” Liam asked, his face scrunching up in confusion. He’d had a stellar year, and Bryce had always wanted to be a one-club player despite his family being on the Gold Coast.

King ushered them into the lounge room where it was quieter, and Liam put him on speaker. Bryce responded, saying, “The club sprang it on me today. Apparently, I don’t have a playing position with them anymore. My management were furious, especially after the season going so well, but they’ve been on the phone to every club and I’m waiting for an offer to be put in writing.” That was great news, but Bryce sounded miserable.

“So why aren’t you happy?” Liam asked his brow furrowed and lips turned down, genuine concern marring his features.

"Because I either move to the Gold Coast, or I’m out of the NRL. I don’t know whether to chuck it in and join Ava and Cole, or to move.”

Adelaide shared a look with King, her gut sinking. Bryce was facing an impossible choice—move to the Gold Coast or give up his dream. Either way he’d miss out on something important to him. Leaving meant he’d be away from Ava and Cole. Their business tied them there. They couldn’t just up and leave. They’d be separated, probably for the long term given the physical ties that would keep them in the city. But walking away meant giving up a dream he'd worked toward for half his life.

“I don’t get it,” Liam remarked. “You had the best rookie season I’ve seen in ages. You kicked arse.”

“Apparently the team didn’t want the bad publicity.” Bryce sighed. “We’re about to be outed. I had the editor of a column in one of the daily newspapers message me with photos. I either confirm our relationship and give them an exclusive piece, or they’ll print an exposé.”

“Levi,” Adelaide called. “We need you in here. We’ve got an emergency.” Her friend had been outed against his will too, and if Adelaide knew one thing these people did well, it was rally around their loved ones. Just like she, King, and Liam would always be together, her friends would always be there for one another.

The music was switched off and their friends gathered around in a circle. Adelaide took Liam’s phone and held it out to the others. “Bryce, repeat what you’ve just told us. We’ve got a room full of friends who want to help.”

Adelaide squeezed Liam’s hand as Bryce spoke. Her friends were sharing glances, their unshakeable bonds extending to Liam’s friend. Adelaide was proud to call them her friends, and she would do whatever it took to be there for them. When the room erupted in chatter, plans being made, she held tight to her guys.

Levi took the lead and was all business. “Okay, mate. Easts seem like a dead end, so we forget about them. Have you spoken with your agent and the Gold Coast team about this? What are they saying?"