“In front of an audience, or in a place where someone could see us?”

“If that’s what you want,” King hedged, ignoring the bend in his erection at the darkening of Liam’s eyes as he answered.

“How will you be involved?” he asked Adds, his teeth biting down on his plump lip.

“I’d only lead you. No sexual touching between us. I’ll be completely dressed, and if it’s a demonstration, be mic’d up too.”

“Will you be dressed too?” he asked King, his voice rough like gravel. Liam reached down and adjusted his hard cock.

“I will. I’ll unzip and have you suck my cock. Then I’ll slide into you, while you’re on display for the club to see. The only thing you’ll be wearing is this.” King fingered the mask in Liam’s lap, brushing against his straining shaft as he did. Liam sucked in a breath, his eyes going unfocussed.

“Fuck,” he rasped. “When?”

“Tomorrow night if you want, or any other time.”

“Tomorrow. I want tomorrow.”

“You have to sign a confidentiality agreement. Whatever you see in the club can’t leave its walls. Everyone else signs them too. You’ll be protected. The mask is an extra level of security,” Adds explained, her finger under Liam’s chin, staring in his eyes as she spoke.

“I won’t risk you,” King murmured, kissing his shoulder. “If you have any doubts, then we won’t do it. If you want to just hang around there to get a feel for the place, we can totally do that too. There’s no pressure.”

“Are you trying to talk me out of it or into it?” he groaned.

“Neither. This needs to be your decision.”

Liam blinked his eyes open, bouncing his gaze between him and Adds. “And what about your decision?”

“We wouldn’t have suggested it to you if we didn’t want to.”

Liam groaned, the sound pained. “Tell me again. Paint me the picture, and I’ll give you my answer.”

“I’ll strip you naked. You’ll walk out in front of everyone in nothing but your mask. I’ll lie you down, strap you in, and worship every inch of your body. With my tongue, with my fingers, and then when I unzip and pull my cock out, I’ll bend you over and take you so high when I sink into you that you’ll see stars. Everyone will see you take my cock, Lee. Everyone.”

Liam cried out, his hips lifting off the couch as a wet patch appeared on his uniform. His chest heaved and Liam sucked in long breaths as King kissed his throat. “Yes,” he rasped. “Hell yes.”




ressed in a white fluffy robe, he was hot, but his feet were oddly cold. That never happened. Was that why King always had layers of clothing on? To stop his extremities from falling off? He looked over to his boyfriend. Dressed from head to toe in navy blue pinstripe, he was hot as hell. He shrugged out of the jacket, undid the vest, and peeled off the crisp white shirt he wore. Addy handed him the vest and he smiled gratefully before taking it and slipping it back on, doing the buttons up slowly.

They were sitting in a change room of sorts behind the bar at The Exchange, Liam’s knees bouncing, just his toes touching the cold floor. Addy was with them too. In her little black jacket and blouse with pink three-quarter pants and the sexiest pink stilettos he’d ever seen. She looked like a pin-up girl. One of those gorgeous models from the 1940s and ’50s.

“I’ve just got to go and check up on things,” she murmured.

“Take your time, beautiful. I want a moment with Lee,” King replied, kissing her cheek.

“What’s up?” he asked, curious as to why King needed some alone time with him.

His man straddled the bench seat Liam was sitting on and ran his fingers down Liam’s face. His eyes slipped closed at the gentle touch, Liam leaning into him until their lips brushed together. Warmth filled him, the familiar hit of dopamine rushing through him and unfurling in his chest. Calm washed over Liam, his knees stopping their repetitive bounce as he tangled his fingers in King’s hair and deepened the kiss.

“Are you sure about this?” King whispered against his lips. “You can walk away if you aren’t. Adds has another couple on standby.”

“I want this, King. I wantyou.”

“You have me. You’ve always had me. We don’t need to do this in front of an audience if you’re worried, scared, embarrassed, whatever.”