Page 34 of Yes, Captain

Every worst-case scenario ran through Will’s mind, and the knowledge that he couldn’t do anything to help, except call a doctor, killed him. He was powerless to stop the reaction, completely incapable of taking Eddie’s pain away.

For a moment, he knew exactly how Eddie had felt a few weeks earlier when he’d been by his side, and Gerard had thrown a punch. Except this time, it could be deadly.

Will couldn’t let Eddie see him freaking out, though. He needed Will calm more than at any other time before. So, he pushed aside his own fears and tried desperately to stay rational.

Searching the foyer for another staff member, his gaze landed on Seamus, and Will shouted out to him. The panic in his voice was obvious, and thankfully the other performer came running. “I need you to get Eddie’s EpiPen from his locker.” Eddie was flagging, his breathing becoming shallower with each inhale. Picking him up and tucking him against his chest, Will turned to the guests hovering close, and as Seamus dashed off, he called out frantically, “I need a doctor.”

A lady stepped forward. “I’ll ring for the on-board GP.”

“It’s anaphylaxis. Tell him I need him here now.” Panic was rising like the incoming tide inside Will, dragging him under and drowning him, but he fought to present a calm façade on the outside.

The lady scampered away, and with Eddie in his arms, Will rushed over to the long, padded bench lining the nearby portal windows and laid him down, kneeling at his side. His struggle for breath was getting worse, and he was getting weaker. Will rolled him onto his side, tilting his head back to open his airway, but each cough on the exhale was shallower. Will had no idea what to do other than hold his hand and brush his hair back off his forehead, whispering that he’d be okay.

He prayed he would be.

He had to be.

Hurry, Ezio. Please.

Seamus came running, pushing his way back through the crowd of people who’d gathered around them, and dropped the injector onto Will’s outstretched palm. “Eddie, I’m giving you your EpiPen.” He wished that he’d asked for instructions on how to use it, but neither of them had thought he’d ever need it. Apparently, Eddie’s being careful wasn’t enough. Will’s hands shook as he scanned the instructions, his fear all-consuming. Fumbling, he pulled off the safety release and nearly dropped it, cursing as he tried to position the pen correctly on Eddie’s outer thigh as he lay awkwardly on the seat. Pushing it down hard, the needle pierced through his skin, and Will counted out the dose in his head—one one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand—before pulling it away.

Grasping his hand again, Will waited, hoping and praying that Eddie would improve. Time stretched out interminably. What was probably only a minute could have been a millennia, but eventually, he heard Eddie’s breathing settle a little, his gasping not so pronounced. Will watched him carefully, cataloguing every detail. He hated seeing Eddie so ill, but the impact of the medicine was almost immediate. The colour slowly returned to his lips, and he focused on Will and smiled, reaching out to touch his face.

Seeing him come back had Will crumpling against him. When Eddie buried his face into his chest, Will blinked back the tears that were threatening to track down his cheeks, and he trembled with the shock of it all. He wanted to wrap Eddie up in his arms, to protect him from being hurt again, but what happened if he relapsed? Could that even happen? He needed an emergency ward. Shit, can the doc treat him? Can I get the coast guard out here in time if we need to? Will held his hand and ran his fingers through Eddie’s hair as he unsuccessfully tried to calm himself down, the adrenaline still coursing through him.

“I’m okay, handsome,” Eddie rasped.

“Don’t you ever die on me. Got it?” Will whispered.

“I won’t.” He huffed out a laugh as the throngs of people moved aside, clearing a path for Ezio, who wheeled the gurney up to them. Eddie sat up, leaning heavily against Will, who hugged him tightly, resting his forehead against Eddie’s.

“I’m sorry. You’re the one who’s sick, and I’m blubbering like a baby.”

“It’s okay.” He kissed Will, and Ezio tutted them.

“Eddie, I need you up here.” Ezio patted the sheet-covered padding and continued, “You know you shouldn’t be kissing anyone until we’ve identified the source of the reac—”

“It wasn’t me,” Will interrupted, glancing back at Dr Dimitriades and imploring him to understand. “I haven’t touched nuts since I found out he’s allergic. Everything I’ve eaten is nut-free.” Eddie tried to move off the seat, but Will stopped him, scooping him into his arms instead and placing him gently on the sheet.

“My hero.” Eddie winked, lying back and taking a long, slow breath before coughing again.

“This is oxygen to help you breathe, Eddie. Just relax, and when we’re back in the infirmary, I’ll give you some other medicine to open up your airways.” Ezio hooked a face mask over Eddie’s face and squeezed his shoulder.

“I’m coming too,” Will said, and led the way through the people crowded around them, pulling the gurney towards the lifts while Ezio steered from behind. The doctor was speaking with Eddie the whole time, checking him over and making sure he stayed conscious. He was trying to figure out what caused the reaction.


Eddie had his eyes closed, and his breathing was evening out after the various medicines he’d been given. Will sat next to his bed in the infirmary and waited, his hands cradling his head and his eyes closed. He was at war with himself. He couldn’t leave Eddie when he needed him most, but he had a responsibility to the ship too. If Will didn’t get some sleep before his shift started in the early morning hours, he’d be risking everyone’s lives on board and a ship worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Changeover day was always crazy, and Will needed to be at the top of his game.

As if reading his thoughts, Eddie murmured in a voice that was still raspy, “Can you lie next to me, handsome?” Will cracked open his eyes to see him patting the bed next to him, closest to where Will was sitting.

“I… yes.” Will didn’t care whether Ezio had a problem with him being up there with him. Eddie wanted Will to hold him, so that’s where he’d be. It was never a chore, and having him in his arms might let the hammering of Will’s heart slow. He kicked off his shoes, shrugged out of his jacket, and climbed up next to Eddie. “How do you want me?” he asked quietly, more concerned about Eddie’s comfort than his own.

“On your side?”

He rolled over, and Will fitted in behind him so they were spooning. Connected from head to toe, with Will’s hand low on his abs, he snuggled in close and breathed Eddie in. Even with the antiseptic smell of Eddie’s hospital gown and the harsh soap from the sponge bath Will had given him earlier, his natural sweet musk surrounded Will. Eddie sighed and nuzzled in closer to him, and Will smiled for the first time in hours, pressing kisses along his nape. He couldn’t believe what a close call he’d had. Eddie’s allergic reaction was the scariest thing Will had ever experienced. Holding the man who meant so much to him in his arms, knowing he was safe, was everything.

Will closed his eyes and drifted, jumping when Dr Dimitriades walked in and huffed. “I can’t leave you two alone for a minute, can I? Captain, you may run this ship, but you’re in my domain now—”