Page 26 of Yes, Captain

Eddie went in search of something he could use as massage oil and, when he discovered the coconut oil sunscreen, returned to see Will sitting awkwardly, dressed in a pair of white, hot-as-fuck Calvin Klein’s. He hesitated and blushed, and Eddie grinned. His shy boy was back, and Eddie loved him dearly.

Eddie stumbled, the thought sideswiping him. It was far too early to be talking like that, but he couldn’t deny that even in a few short days, Will had completely overtaken Eddie’s world. The captain was all he thought about, and the fluttery, flip-floppy thing Eddie’s chest did when he thought about Will, and the smile he couldn’t wipe from his face, told him that he was crushing hard.

“Ah… how do you want me?” Will asked quietly.

Eddie held up his finger. “One minute.” He dashed back into the bathroom and pulled a white towel from the rail. Coming back out, he turned down the crumpled covers from the once neatly made bed and motioned for Will to lie down. “Leave them on. Just lie on your belly.” Once he’d done that, Eddie laid the towel across his hips and reached up underneath, tugging the waistband of his tiny briefs down. He couldn’t help his hum of satisfaction when the towel slipped, revealing the curve of a gorgeous arse and a faded tan line. Eddie kissed the spot and, when Will’s breath caught, did it again. “You make behaving really hard,” Eddie grumbled teasingly.

“You named your cock ‘behaving’?” Will tossed a grin over his shoulder, and Eddie couldn’t help the bark of laughter he let loose until Will hissed when his lip stretched.

“Shh,” Eddie encouraged, laying the cold compress on Will’s neck and giving him an ice block to press against his lip.

Eddie poured a generous amount of the oil on his hands, and as the aroma of coconut filled the air, he straddled Will once again and went to work, doing his best to give Will some relief. His strong muscles were firm under Eddie’s fingers. Tight too. He kneaded every inch of Will’s back and shoulders, concentrating on the parts along his spine which sent him rearing up whenever Eddie touched them. When he focussed on Will’s neck and head, Will choked out a groan, and Eddie ran his fingers through his hair, giving him a reprieve from the pain. When Will whimpered, Eddie’s heart broke. He hated seeing him like that. “Do you get many massages?” he murmured softly in Will’s ear.

“No,” he mumbled. “Don’t usually enjoy them.”

“Want me to stop?” Will gave a miniscule shake of his head, and that was all the confirmation Eddie needed. He moved to Will’s arm, rubbing down the muscles there. He could map every single bulge, ridge, and valley that Will had worked tirelessly on. His body was a piece of art. Sculpted perfection.

Shifting to Will’s hands, Eddie kneaded them, pressing down on each of the pads of his fingers before moving to the other side and repeating the motion, then returning to his back and rubbing him down again. Will was relaxed, his face turned to the side. His eyes were closed, long blond lashes fanning his cheeks. He was beautiful. “You want me to keep going, handsome?” Eddie whispered. When he didn’t answer, Eddie smiled. Will was asleep. That was him. Eddie had done that. He’d comforted Will enough to get him to sleep. Eddie didn’t ever want to stop.

He squeezed more oil onto his hands and warmed it before shifting down and working Will’s hamstrings and calf muscles. He didn’t know if Will’s feet were ticklish, but Eddie supposed he’d find out. Pressing firmly on the arch of his foot, he alternated between his thumbs, rubbing the spots where his own feet hurt the most. The satisfied moan Will let loose curled low in Eddie’s belly, hardening his cock even more than it had been before the night took its turn. Eddie didn’t think he had any more blood left in his brain at that stage, but he’d survive, if only to keep touching Will.

He finished up with Will’s other foot and lifted the towel, using it to wipe down his skin. He tried not to stare, but it was impossible. Will’s arse was simply perfection, even more so than the rest of his body. High and tight, he had the butt of a man who did a hell of a lot of squats. The dimples above each cheek had Eddie wanting to lick them, and truth be told, that wasn’t the only part of Will he wanted to devour. He wasn’t just beautiful. He was magnificent. Eddie wished he was an artist. A poet, so he could write about him, a painter, a photographer, or a sculptor so he could preserve the flawlessness of his skin, the curve of firm muscle and soft warmth of his soul in art that would last forever. Sitting there, admiring him, Eddie knew. He’d known this man for barely any time at all—a single drop in all the oceans of the earth if time was measured in water—but his heart recognized its counterpart. Will’s body was flawless, but it was his inner beauty that called to Eddie, that had him falling hard and fast for Will.

“Stay,” Will whispered when Eddie moved away from him. He kissed Will’s cheek and shimmied out of his own clothes before washing off his make-up and turning out the lights. Eddie slipped in behind Will before pulling the covers over them. Eddie needed the closeness, unable to bear the separation, so he wrapped his arm around Will’s waist and nuzzled his arm, planting a kiss against his skin.



Eddie’s warm body pressed against his did all sorts of crazy wonderful things to Will’s insides. Eddie was hard, wanting, but he’d made no move to wake Will from his relaxed drunk state. The care Eddie took in giving him a massage and making him feel good despite the migraine banging around in his skull made Will’s insides dance around happily.

He was disappointed. Will had ached to get closer to Eddie again. The fight, the stress, and the worry about just how badly the executive members of his team would perceive his screw up all had Will’s head pounding. It was as if piledrivers were battling it out to see which could rattle his brain more. The headache, combined with the aura floating around his vision and the queasiness, was overwhelming, wiping out his ability to function.

But then Eddie was understanding and had wanted to look after him, staying to make sure he was okay. Will wanted so much more with him than just sex—as amazing as it had been so far. He’d settled for his ex. They’d had a great physical connection. At the time, he’d been the one to handle Will in exactly the way he liked, but they’d never stopped to get to know what was below the surface. When Will eventually saw the person Stefan really was, he didn’t like what he saw—from either of them. Will had become someone he didn’t recognize, and he’d tried to turn Stefan into someone he wasn’t. Then they were over, and Will had re-evaluated everything. He’d reinvented himself, working on both his mind and body until he was happy with what he saw staring back at him in the mirror every morning. Now when Will saw himself, he knew who he was and what he stood for.

He didn’t want to make the same mistakes with Eddie. Apart from the fucking gorgeous wrapping that was his body, in his heart, Will knew Eddie was a good man. Beautiful both inside and out. Will wanted to know everything about him.

The kiss to his shoulder and the weight of his arm as Eddie curled himself around Will’s body had contentment unfurling through him like the petals of a flower opening under the sun’s rays. “Good night, Will.”


Will woke in the middle of the night, a loud crash sounding outside the door followed by a slurred, “Sorry, sorry.” Will shook his head. The number one rule for staff parties was don’t get so hammered you couldn’t work the next day. Unless whoever it was had a few good hours to get sober and over the hangover that would no doubt follow, they were going to be struggling.

Eddie didn’t stir, his arm still slung over Will’s waist. He rolled to face him and smiled at what he saw. The eyeliner Eddie always wore had been cleaned, and his dark lashes splayed in perfect arcs along his cheeks. His plump lips, no longer shiny from the lip gloss, begged Will to kiss them. Will did, but not on them. Pressing his lips gently to Eddie’s cheek, his touch whisper-soft, Will slowly pushed him to his back and moved his mouth to Eddie’s throat as he straddled his hips. Still dressed in his tiny black boxer briefs, Eddie was sexy as hell in Will’s bed.

Will moved his mouth to Eddie’s nipple, licking and sucking as best as he could with his injured lip on the pebbled peak, and as he did, Eddie’s hands came up and tangled in Will’s hair holding him in place. He stilled when Eddie moaned, but Will’s whispered name on his lips spurred him on. Barely there touches and teasing licks and nips had Eddie gasping and shifting around in his sleep. He was a heavy sleeper, something that Will planned to use to his advantage. He shifted down Eddie’s legs, and the desperate moan he let loose had Will’s hole clenching, begging to be filled by the shaft that was standing proudly erect beneath Eddie’s underwear.

Curling his fingers under the waistband, Will tugged the front down, exposing the man before him. Eddie was beautiful. Long and thick, uncut. His thatch of dark pubes was neatly trimmed, his balls almost hairless. Leaning in close, Will breathed him in, loving his spicy scent mixed with the faint hint of the fruity body wash he used. Will nipped at Eddie’s hip bone before following the small indentations of his cum gutters with his tongue. Eddie wasn’t ripped and absolutely wasn’t as built as Will, but his slim, strong physique made him all the more stunningly beautiful to Will.

And his cock? God damn, that thing made Will’s mouth water. As if it knew his eyes were on it, Eddie’s dick flexed, hardening even further, the foreskin pulling completely back. A pearl of clear pre-cum beaded at his slit, and Will licked it away, savouring his salty taste. Eddie hissed and bowed up off the bed, his legs scrambling for purchase as Will circled his fingers around the base and licked him like a lollipop. It was the best he could do with his still-swollen lip.

“Oh, fuck. Fuck,” the man beneath him breathed. Will swirled his tongue around the mushroom head of Eddie’s dick and stroked him before licking a path down to his balls. Burying his nose in the soft skin, Will nuzzled. Eddie ran his fingers through Will’s hair and touched his thumb to his cheek. “Will,” he whispered, making him look up. The affection in his gaze, the longing, and warmth had Will’s heart beating faster.

Will moved up his body and wrapped Eddie in his arms, gently pressing their lips together. Eddie ran his fingertips down Will’s side, his touch light. Will shivered and Eddie moaned.

“I love how responsive you are,” Eddie murmured against his lips. “And that mouth, it should be illegal; it feels so good.” Will kissed him again, pressing his weight onto Eddie, and they both moaned. Their cocks aligned, the rigid lengths trapped between their bodies. Eddie hooked his ankle over Will’s calf, and he thrust, grinding against him. Will wanted to share that next step with him, to take him to the edge and feel him surrender in his arms. Will shifted, starting to move off him, but Eddie tightened his grip.

“Stay right there,” he whispered, then tried to reach out for Will’s nightstand. “Shit,” he complained when he realized he was too far away. Will chuckled and leaned over, fetching the box of condoms he’d picked up from Ezio and the lube. Will bit down on the wrapper, readying to tear it open, but Eddie grasped his wrist.