Page 15 of Yes, Captain

“Staff can enter. Crew aren't authorized, except to clean the area. I wouldn't ask you to risk your job for me, Eddie. Not when you've got so much talent. You've obviously worked hard to get here. I wouldn't jeopardize that for you.”

Eddie didn't expect Will’s understanding or recognition. But he was quickly learning that despite unintentionally setting the bar extraordinarily high, he had completely underestimated Will. And with every little part Will showed him, Eddie liked him more.

“Where are we going?” Eddie asked, much more curious now.

“The officer's deck. It's the only semi-private part of the ship, apart from our staterooms, but it's visible from the bridge, so not completely secluded.” When he held his ID card against the door lock, and it flashed green, Will pushed through, holding the door open for Eddie. His heart swelled, joy filling him. His captain was a sweetheart.

The deck was sparsely furnished. A couple of loungers were pushed to the side, overlooking the water that stretched in front of them for miles. Sheltered from the buffeting winds was a small round table with a long white tablecloth flapping in the lighter breeze decorated with a vase and a single red rose. Two chairs were pushed in, and standing aside one of them was a bucket with a bottle and two glasses perched in it. Strands of fairy lights were hung along the pergola-type structure overhead. It was as if a million stars lit the sky.

When Eddie looked beyond the deck, he gasped. There literally were a million stars overhead. Without the light pollution from a city, every star was visible against the ink-black sky. It was magical.

“It's not much,” Will murmured, but he was entirely wrong. He’d taken Eddie somewhere truly special.

Eddie smiled softly, reaching up to kiss Will on the cheek. The blush that stained the captain’s cheeks in response made Eddie grin more. “It's perfect. Or it will be once we put some music on.” Eddie retrieved his ship cell from his pocket and hit Play on a classical music playlist, adjusting the volume to low and placing it on the table.

Will set about rolling up the sleeves of his shirt and showed Eddie the bottle of bubbles. “Is this okay? We can get something else if you’d prefer.”

Eddie could only nod, focussing instead on the sight of those muscular forearms bulging from under his shirt sleeves. When Will peeled the foil off the bottle, Eddie wanted to reach out for him. To touch him. Realizing he could, Eddie placed his hand on Will’s hip and stepped closer, leaning into him.

Will didn’t hesitate, dumping the bottle and glass back into the bucket and turning his undivided attention to Eddie. His hands on Will’s broad chest, Eddie smoothed them down to his waist and pulled the man close. Will’s arms went around him, and Eddie reached up, cupping his face in his hands. “I'm glad you chose me, Will.” This time when Eddie kissed him, it was slow and sweet. He licked his bottom lip, relishing the taste of lime and soda, minus the kick from the vodka and something uniquely Will. When he opened for Eddie, their tongues touched gently. The tartness mixed with his flavour was intoxicating, and Eddie moaned, wanting to get closer. He wanted to climb the older man and wrap himself around him like the cute koalas Eddie had seen at the zoo in Sydney.

Eddie didn’t want to pull back. He hated the idea of putting any distance between them, but if he didn’t, he knew it’d get hot and heavy real quick. There was no way he wanted Will to think Eddie was using him for a casual lay. He’d only just met him, spent all of twenty minutes in Will’s presence, but even in that time, he could see how special Will was.

And Eddie wanted his date night.

He opened his eyes and smiled at Will, brushing his fingers along the line of his beard. “You’re so handsome.”

Will ducked his head and laughed self-consciously, and this time Eddie let him go so he could retrieve the bottle. He handed Eddie a flute once he'd poured it and half a glass for him. Hand in hand, they wandered over to the railing and looked out across the darkened ocean. The moon shimmered on the surface of the water, barely a ripple breaking as the ship sailed through the inky ocean waters. Will stood behind him, pressing his warm body against Eddie’s from shoulder to hip, and wrapped an arm around Eddie’s waist. The soft swish of wash against the hull of the ship and the music playing on the deck enveloped them in their own little bubble. For the first time since he’d arrived onboard, Eddie was truly at peace. He was exactly where he was supposed to be in that moment, and the rightness washed over him like a gentle lapping wave. Will giving them a moment alone without the prying eyes of the other crew and without any rumours that would be stirred up by them being seen together was perfection.

Eddie sank into Will’s embrace, loving the strength of his arms surrounding him. They stood quietly, watching the gentle rise and fall of the ocean swell. “This is my favourite part of the ship,” Will murmured in his ear, raising goosebumps over Eddie’s skin.

“Thank you for sharing it.” Eddie sighed happily, turning so he could wrap his own arms around Will, and snuggled into him, rubbing his cheek against the thatch of hair poking out from Will’s collar. Eddie wanted to run his fingers through it, to explore every inch of him and show him just how infatuated he was.

“Dance with me?” Will asked after they’d watched a few clouds washed in silver moonlight roll across the sky.

Will led him in a slow waltz. His moves weren’t fancy, but Eddie appreciated that more than if it were a perfectly polished choreography. Although shy, Will was daring too. He didn’t hesitate to put himself out there, to do something Eddie loved, even though Eddie might have been an arse and criticized him.

They stayed like that, swaying softly in the moonlight for hours, whispered conversation between them and soft laughs as Will charmed Eddie with stories of his early career and Eddie spoke about RCA and his experiences in West End.

Eddie yawned and nuzzled into Will’s chest, holding him tighter so he could feel the rumble of Will’s words against his skin. “Come on, let's get you into bed.”

“Hmm, yes, please,” he mumbled into Will’s chest. “Will you stay?”

Eddie blinked and raised his head, suddenly wide awake. He hadn't meant his question like it sounded. As much as Eddie wanted to strip Will down and worship every beautiful part of him, he didn't want to jump straight into it with him. Will was regarding him, but Eddie couldn't get a read on the man, his poker face completely devoid of emotion. His expression was inscrutable. “I meant to sleep, that's all,” Eddie blurted. “I don't want to rush this, whatever it is between us, but I don't want tonight to end either. Never mind, it's stupid. I shouldn't have asked.” Eddie was rambling, his words tumbling out without any pause between them. He never rambled, but it seemed Will had him tongue-tied, babbling, and wanting to flirt all at the same time. He was suddenly a ball of nerves and uncertainty all rolled into one.

“Eddie,” Will murmured, tugging his hands away from his heated cheeks. “I'd love to go to sleep with you.”

As suddenly as it had descended, the worry lifted, and he smiled at his captain.

They walked hand in hand to the lifts. “I'm guessing you only have a single bed in your suite?” he asked. “But a working shower.”

“Yes, and you've got a big comfy bed and no shower.” Will laughed and nodded, blushing again. “How about we sleep in yours, then you can use my bathroom in the morning?” When Will agreed, Eddie grinned happily, hooking his fingers through the belt loops in Will’s dress pants. He leaned in for a slow kiss as the lift descended to their quarters.

They wandered down the corridor to Will’s stateroom, and when they entered, Eddie couldn't help but take it all in. The bathroom was off to the left, and he could see the fan blowing into the cavity in the wall, drying it out. In the suite itself, a queen bed took up most of the space, and on the other side underneath the windows was a couch. A TV and a desk and chair were positioned on the opposite side. But it was the picture hanging on the wall at the head of his bed that spoke volumes about Captain Preston’s type.

“Can I get you anything?” Will asked.

“So, you’re into dancers?” The confident façade Eddie presented to the world—the one of the successful dancer and unrufflable character—crumbled, and he sounded defensive even to his own ears. He winced, hating the uncertainty that crept into his mind.