Michelle nods. “Do you have clients?”

“I do. The first one came in, and I have two more inquiries that I’ll set up meetings for later this week. I think I’ll be okay.”

“But that’s good news,” Michelle says. “I thought you were going under.”

“It’s not the business that bugs me. It’s the fact that I’m doing so well with it… and I can’t call Blake and tell him about it because we’re not together anymore.”

Michelle frowns. “Was it that serious, then?

“Do you think I’d jeopardize my career if it wasn’t?”

Michelle doesn’t answer me. I know she doesn’t know what to think.

“It was serious. It shouldn’t have been—he was a client, after all. And everything I’m not supposed to look for in a man. Fifteen years older than I am and so sullen with so much baggage, such a difficult past. After everything I’ve been through with Luc, I don’t need someone like that. I need someone light and airy and ready to take on the world. Hell, I need to be alone for a while. But when I met him…”

“You can’t help who you fall for,” Michelle says softly.

I shake my head. “It’s that stupid psychic.”

When Michelle frowns, I tell her what happened at the event with Madama Dorota.

“I believed her. Like a fool. And now, look where I am. I should sue her or something. For my job, for my distress. For the loss that I’m suffering. And for the drama that unfolded with the article.”

“I read the article,” Michelle says. “I didn’t realize you were that involved. It must affect you directly. Is that why you broke up?”

“We broke up because I’m the reason the article happened in the first place.”

When I start crying again, I try to tell Michelle what happened through my tears. At one point, I cry so hard, Michelle stops me.

“Honey, I can’t hear what you’re saying. But I don’t think it’s the psychic’s fault. I think you fell in love with him, and that happens no matter what someone else says. You should talk to him.”

“And say what?”

“That you’re sorry.”

“Already said that,” I say. “But I betrayed him, and I understand why he wants nothing to do with me.”

“There’s no harm in trying. The worst you can get is what you already have now. Think about it. Tell him you’re sorry. We all make mistakes. Tell me he hasn’t made mistakes, too.”

I can’t tell her that, because she’s right. He’s made mistakes, too.

“That makes you even,” Michelle says. “And if he can’t see that, if he can’t rise above what happened and be with the woman he’s meant to be with, then he’s not the right guy for you after all. We fight for what we want, but it’s not a solo battle and if he won’t fight, too…”

I sigh. “In theory, your advice is brilliant. I just don’t know how well it will play out.”

Michelle walks to me and hugs me.

“Everything will come right in the end.”

“How do you know?”

“Because she also predicted success in your business, right? And that’s happening.”

When she says it, it shoots through me like an electric shock. Michelle is right—my business is doing well despite having the worst start. And if one thing she said was true…

“I have to get back to the office,” Michelle says. “Call me when it works out, okay? I’m dying to know how your happy ending pans out.”

“Ifit works out,” I say.