“I know it doesn’t change anything… but I’m sorry.”

I look at my best friend and try not to burst into tears.

“How could he do this?” My voice is wobbly when I speak.

“I know,” Sam says apologetically. “I wish I could change what happened. There is no chance he’ll come around?”

I shake my head. Blake wants nothing to do with me. I don’t blame him—he told me something serious in confidence, and now the whole world knows. It might not have been planned, but that doesn’t change that it’s my fault. I am the one who wrecked everything for him. Like he said, I burned down everything he built.

“I have to go,” I say dryly. “I have a client to attend to.”

“Is it the new client?” Samantha asks.

I nod and give her a quick hug before I leave. At least I still have my career. I feel like everything is falling apart around me, but it’s nothing like what Blake is going through. I can’t begin to feel sorry for myself, not after what I’ve done to him.

I climb into the car and drive to the address Beth sent me. It’s a quick drive, and in no time, I stop in front of the high-rise apartment building. I take a couple of deep breaths, tried to compose myself, and climb out of the car. I have to put on a good phase—this is my future, after all.

When I knocked on the door, Beth opens.

“Rachel,” she says with a polite smile. “Come in.”

I step into the apartment and glance around. Everything is immaculate, but I expected as much from Mrs. Callaghan. All Blake’s friends move in the same circles—they have more money than they know what to do with. That bodes well for me. She wants me to redo her entire wardrobe, it will be with top-of-the-line clothing, and my commission will be substantial, too.

“Shall we get started right away?” I ask. “I’ve come up with a couple of ideas I want to show you, and as soon as you decide which direction you want to go, we can—”

“Rachel,” Beth interrupts me. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to cancel my contract with you.”

I stare at her. “What?” Dread settles in my stomach.

“I’m really sorry, but we can’t work together.”

“Why not?” I ask in a small voice. But I have the feeling I already know.

“This business with Blake’s personal life in the news… I’m sure you understand.”

I shake my head. I don’t actually understand.

“What does that have to do with you and our contract?” I ask.

“Well, my loyalty lies with him. You understand that, don’t you? I heard from Patti what happened.”

I want to know what she heard. What does Mrs. Dillon know about any of this? I find it hard to believe that Blake would have told Mr. Dillon anything personal enough that they all know about me and my involvement. But I don’t ask questions. No matter what they say, it won’t work out in my favor.

“So, you don’t want to go through with the wardrobe,” I say, trying to confirm what I already know.

“That’s right. I’m sorry. I know you’re good at your job and I was excited about this. But sometimes, these things happen.”

“I guess they do,” I say flatly. “If we’re done here, I’ll go.”

Beth purses her lips together and nods. Without another word, I turn around and leave the apartment. When the door clicks shut behind me, it feels too final.

I managed to keep back my emotions until I reach my car. It’s only when I pull into the road that my vision blurs with tears and I let out a sob.

Alex thinks he did me a favor by leaving my name out of the article. The problem is it’s a small world. And all the right people know of my involvement in this. Which means that it doesn’t matter that Alex didn’t name me. The one lead I had to create my own business away from Ruby Blue is gone. And if word of mouth is worth anything when it’s positive, it can do so much more when it’s negative. It tells her friends, and they tell their friends, and so on… It’s only a matter of time before all failed to find a business anywhere in this city.

Tears roll over my cheeks as I drive. My chest physically aches as if I can feel my heart breaking. It’s bad enough that I’ve lost Blake. It’s so much worse that I’m losing everything else, too. I believed that being with Blake won’t affect my career the way it was when I was dating Luc. Blake is different, and I was willing to believe he would allow me the space to thrive.

And he would have, I’m sure of it.