“Picture perfect,” he said.

He opens the door for me before he climbs in behind the wheel. If I have to go to some event where I might feel out of place, I wouldn’t have it with anyone else than Alex. I’m comfortable around him. We’ve known each other for years, and there are no pretenses. Sam and Alex feel more like siblings to me than my own sisters sometimes.

I glance out of the window while we drive, watching the city slide by. When I think about seeing Blake again, my stomach clenches. I don’t know what it is about him—he’s magnetic and his air of authority makes me shiver. It’s not that I fear him. But I’m attracted to power.

And Blake Ford haspower.

But that’s not why I’m going. I’m going because it will look good for me to be there. The fact that he’ll be there is just how it worked out.

Of course, it won’t hurt to see him again. Butterflies erupt in my stomach at the thought but I push them back down again.

He’snotthe guy I should fawn over. He’s older. He’s important. He’s rich. And I’m no one special. Maybe one day, I’ll make my mark. But I’m not there yet.

When we walk into the event, my hand looped through Alex’s arms, I look around in awe. Tables are scattered around the open floor, with white table clothes and silver cutlery with a dance floor in the middle. Around the sides of the hall a few different things have been set up. On the far side, I spot a woman with a crystal ball.

“This is going to be great,” Alex says and I can see his mind is already on business.

“Do the fortune telling with me later,” I say, nudging him.

Alex rolls his eyes. “I don’t believe in that stuff.”

“I know, I know. But it’s still fun, right?”

“Okay,” Alex says with a chuckle. “But I’m going to do a few interviews first.”

I nod, agreeing, and Alex lets go of me to do his rounds, talking to all the right people that will further his career.

I walk to the open bar and order a glass of wine.

“You decided to come,” a deep voice says next to me.

When I turn, Blake’s slate gray eyes bore into mine. His salt and pepper hair is slicked back, and he looks incredible in the suit I had tailored for him.

“I did,” I say, my voice breathy. “Thank you for the tickets.”

“And you look beautiful,” he adds and slides his eyes down my body. His gaze is like a physical touch, and my skin tingles. Heat washes over me.

“The suit came out incredible,” I say, swallowing hard.

He nods, a smile tugging at the corners of his month but I don’t get more of a smile than that.

“There you are,” a woman says, stepping closer. She’s incredibly lean and well-built, her dark hair pulled back tightly. “I’ve been looking for you.” She looks at me. “Hi. Emma Osborn.”

“Rachel Watts,” I say. My stomach sinks a little. Blake has someone in his life.

Maybe the way he looked at me when I saw him at the start of the week—the sexual tension I felt so strongly—was all in my head. Because he’s so incredibly hot.

Because even now, I could turn into a puddle at his feet if I’m not careful, with the way he looked at me a moment ago.

Of course, Blake Ford has a woman. Why would someone like him not have a woman on his arm? I bet women would kill to be with him. But Emma looks a lot younger than him but I can’t judge her for that, can I? Not when I think he’s drool-worthy, too.

“We have to get to our table,” Emma says, putting her hand on Blake’s chest, running her fingers down his lapel.

Blake nods. “If you’ll excuse me.” He nods curtly at me. “I’m glad you came.”

He turns away and Emma takes his arm, escorting him away. I turn to the bar and sip my wine, my cheeks burning.

Alex comes to me. “I didn’t know you knew him that well.”