She’s a clever woman. It’s partly why I like hanging out with her. The other part is the fact that she puts me in my place—she’s not scared to challenge me.

“I can’t take her,” I say and focus on my squats.

“Yeah? Well, think about it.”

“There’s nothing to think about.”

“Sure,” Emma says. A smile plays on her lips, and when my set is done, she adds more weights to the machine so my squats get harder. She reallyispunishing me for the beer this morning.

But that’s good. If anyone deserves punishment, it’s me.

Chapter 12


When I get out of the car and walk into the café, Michelle is already at a table. She waves at me, and I cross the dining room floor to join her. Her auburn hair is getting longer—she usually wears it in a bob above her shoulder—and she’s pinned it back to keep it out of her face.

“I missed you!” Michelle says after we hug. “It’s boring without you in the office.”

I giggle. “I was only there for a couple of weeks to work with Natalie. And you were fine before me.” Raven sent me from Paris to work with the Ruby Blue offices here in New York with one of their new designers to launch a fashion line for London Fashion Week next year. Raven wanted to open another international office and Natalie—one of her best employees and also her sister-in-law—spearheaded the project.

I was just around for encouragement and support and I added one or two things to the designs.

“How are you?” Michelle asks.

“I’m doing well, actually,” I say. “Raven gave me that big client, Blake Ford, and it’s looking good so far. He’s extended his contract. And I’ve managed to pick up one or two others, so I think I can pull this off.”

“That’s great,” Michelle says warmly. She’s always so dynamic and caring. I love hanging out with her. Even though we’re not the best of friends, we can always discuss just about anything and she’ll be open-minded about it.

“So, you’re definitely staying, then?” Michelle asks.

I nod. “I think it’s better this way. I’m happy to be home again, you know? And there’s nothing for me in Paris anymore.”

“I know how that can be,” Michelle says. “It was like that for me, too. When we decided to open offices here, I figured I might as well stay since nothing much held me there. And with Noah in Raven’s life, she has her support system.”

“They’re so good together,” I agree.

I remember a time when Raven raised her daughter alone and had to juggle a business and a child. I still don’t know how she did it all. She doesn’tneeda man in her life, but she belongs with Noah—they’re made for each other. And she’s so happy now that they’re together.

A server comes to take our order, and we both order coffees and gourmet sandwiches.

“So, Blake Ford is a big name,” Michelle says.

I nod. My stomach twists when I think about our night together. I want to tell Michelle about it. Orsomeone. I feel like I’m carrying this weight on my shoulders.

Especially after Blake made it clear that we’re only working together and nothing more. That having sex was a mistake.

I guess it was. But it didn’t feel like it. And before he made it clear, I’d wanted to tell him that I felt something for him. If he hadn’t cut me off, I would have just made a fool of myself. There’s nothing as pathetic as a woman who falls for a man when he just sees her as a piece of ass.

And I’m starting to think that’s exactly how Blake Ford goes through the world—he admitted he’s never been in love. He only sleeps around.

I guess I’m another notch on his bedpost.

“It will do wonders moving forward,” I say, sticking to the topic. “And with the contract becoming more and more extensive—”

“If you can get him on retainer, it will be even better,” Michelle says.
