“How old is older?” Samantha asks, frowning when she reads the labels on her newly bought makeup.

“I don’t know, like forty-six.”

“That’s not so much older than you,” Samantha said.

“It’s fifteen years!”

Samantha shrugs. “Young enough to fuck, right?”

I burst out laughing. “You didnotjust say that!”

“Hey, you said he’s hot.”

I nod. I can’t disagree. But I’m not as outspoken about men and what I want with them the way Samantha is. Even if the sexual tension with Blake wasinsane. I’m not going to tell her in so many words that I wanted to jump his bones right then and there.

She doesn’t have a filter and never thinks twice about her words before she blurts them out.

“It was just a once-off meeting. I already sent him everything he needs. Unless I go to the event, I won’t see him again.”

“Oh, my God, you have to go, then!” Samantha insists and pulls out her new liner, studying the tip.

I sit on her bed, peeling back a chocolate wrapper.

“The tickets are free.” She adds. She turns to the mirror and closes one eye, drawing an elegant line on her lid.

I watch her as she makes magic on her face. Samantha is an expert in all things makeup. She works as a specialist for high-end clients, going out to them whenever they have big events, and she makes a killing. She’s one of the reasons I’m motivated to do my own thing, rather than working with Ruby Blue for the rest of my life.

I love Raven and her vision for the company, but I have something else in mind and I want to break away now that I’ve decided to stay in the States rather than going back to Paris once this project with Natalie, one of Ruby Blue’s new top designers, is out of the way.

Samantha and I went to school together and kept in touch when my family moved to Paris in my senior year. Now that I’m back after more than a decade in Europe, she’s the only friend I have outside of the girls working with me at Ruby Blue.

It’s good to have someone in my corner.

Samantha and Alexander, her twin brother, are like siblings to me and having them to fall back on as a support network when I returned from Paris was a godsend.

“I don’t know if it’s my thing.” I shrug and bite into the chocolate I shouldn’t be eating. I like to keep fit and healthy and eating junk isn’t the way to go. But Sam and Alex have stashes of junk food in the apartment they share, and I can’t help but indulge when I’m with them. To me, it defines our friendship—they are the fun when I get too serious, encouraging me to let loose once in a while.

“It’scharity,” Samantha says, finishing the careful wingtip and blinking her eyes open to study her handiwork. “It’s the best thing you can attend right now if you want to start your own thing.”

Samantha is right. She thinks very logically about things, sticking to black and white lines and rules, when to me, things blur very easily into all shades of gray.

“I have two tickets,” I finally say. “Come with me.”

Samantha shakes her head. “Can’t. I have that thing.”

“What thing?” I ask, laughing.

“My work thing I told you about. Why do you think I’m doing the liner?”

“Right,” I say. She mentioned something about that. Samantha and Alex both have jobs where they get paid to mingle on Friday and Saturday nights, with her being a makeup artist and him being a journalist.

“Take Alex.”

“Take me where?” Alex asks, popping his head into the bedroom.

“Oh, good, you’re back,” Samantha says. “Rachel has a charity thing and needs a date.”

Alex walks into the room and drops himself into the armchair near the window.