His words of encouragement are soothing. And out of place when I've always known him is a dick. I followed him through the crevice he found. He has to squeeze his large, muscular body through the rocks, but I step in easily.

When we’re out of the rain, I gasp and wring the water out of my hair.

“Better,” Brett says. He pulls his shirt off and wrings it out, too, dripping water at the entrance. I force myself not to stare at his wet abs.

Instead, I look around. It’s not a very big cave—it’s really just a hollowed-out part with rocks covering most of it. But it’s dry, and right now, it’s better than a five-star hotel.

“Thank you,” I say.

Brett nods once and tries to wring the water out of his pants without taking them off. He stays by the opening so that the water he squeezes out doesn’t wet the smooth rock floor of the cave where we’ll be sitting.

“I didn’t bring a phone,” I say.

“Just as well; it would be ruined by all the water.”

He’s right. I didn’t think of it that way, but we won’t be able to contact someone.

“There’s no signal out here,” Brett adds as if he knows what I’m thinking.

Brett sits down, making himself comfortable on the rock floor with his back against a wall. I do the same and shiver.

“Come here,” he says and holds out his arm. I hesitate, but I’m freezing now that I’m wet, so I shift a little closer, and he pulls me against him. His body warmth seeps through my wet clothes, and I drink it in.

We sit in silence for a while, listening to the storm rage outside.

“I don’t hold onto the past,” I say.

He looks at me.

“I know you think I’m ridiculous and that I only hold onto the past, but I don’t. I just…it’s easier to be pissed off at you.”


“Because you’re a dick,” I say.

He laughs. “Don’t sugarcoat it or anything.”

“No, I mean…damn it.” I let out a breath. “If I don’t hold onto the asshole you were, I’m going to start liking the person you are, and then we’re both screwed.”

Brett’s face sobers.

“You like me?”

“Not when you’re an ass who gets us stranded on an island in a storm,” I quip.

He chuckles. “But otherwise, I’m not that bad, huh?”

I roll my eyes. “Against my better judgment, I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt.”

Brett looks pleased.

“Stop it,” I say with a grin.


“You’re so full of yourself; it’s ridiculous.”

“Sure…but have you seen me?”