Chapter 11


I don’t know why the hell we have to do all this sight-seeing shit. I’m not in the mood to head out with the wedding party and see what there is to see in Hawaii.

“Come on, man; quit being such a grouch,” Marc says when we walk down to the water where a boat is waiting for us.

I glance back at the big bouncer Laura and Harvey decided to send with us to keep the paps at bay. I've been harassed by paparazzi, but this is a whole new level. You'd think Stacey was an A-list celebrity by how they're following her around.

Even now, they're taking photos from afar, hoping to get something worth their while.

Tom is already there, chatting to Kelsey, and it looks a little more flirtatious than it should be. The other girls are there, too. Nina, Stacey, and Jenna.

It’s almost the full party, except for Noah, who’s flying in later.

“I’m just not in the mood,” I say.

It’s early. We woke up at the ass crack of dawn just to be here, and I’m tired as fuck. It's so fucking hot I can't even think straight. I want to sleep in, in my airconditioned hotel room. I trained myself to death yesterday, and my muscles are sore. When I drink, training gets infinitely harder, and I’m irritated with myself for sacrificing my physique so close to game day.

I’m just in a shitty mood all around.

“I know. But you live here, and we don’t. We don’t get this every day. Besides, it’s my wedding, so man the fuck up, will you?”

I glare at him. “You’re a sad sack for pulling the wedding card on me.”

Marc shrugs and grins. “Yeah, but Stacey does it all the time and they jump when she snaps her fingers, so…” he shrugs. “Might as well use it while I can.”

I laugh despite myself. Marc is the least manipulative person in the world. He’s a great guy. And this trip doesn’t have to be so bad.

Jenna is joining us, so that should be fun. I’m already thinking of different ways to piss her off—she’s so fucking hot when she’s angry at me. Of course, it would be nice if she wasn’t upset with me all the time, but I’m going to work with what I have. It’s fun fucking with her, anyway.

When we join the group, there’s a lot of hugging and excitement.

Jenna is stiff when I hug her. It’s just a fraction of a second where her body presses up against mine, but the swells of her breasts push up against my chest and I flash on what she looks like naked.

Stop it.

We get into the boat. It’s large enough to hold the seven of us, and the skipper takes us across a stretch of water to a small island in the distance.

“So, what’s so special about this place?” I ask.

Jenna glances at me. “Did you pay attention when Stacey told us what it’s all about just now?”

“Not really.”

Stacey looks irritated, and Jenna rolls her eyes. Marc punches me in the shoulder.

I shrug and look out over the water.

It’s really beautiful out here. I’m not going to pretend it isn’t. Just because I live here doesn’t mean it gets any less breathtaking. I still fall in love with the sunrises every morning and walk around in paradise every day. I’ll never really get used to this place, and despite putting up a fight about the little tour we’re getting today, I love it.

The girls chat excitedly among each other. I only half-listen. They’re talking about dresses and nails and shoes and their conversation is peppered with exclamations when they see birds or other creatures around us.

When we arrive at the little island, the skipper looks up.

Clouds have gathered above us, and the wind is starting to pick up.

“An hour,” he says. “No more.”