“Laura asked me to sit down with you and see if we can do something about the seating chart. She gave me a list of people who shouldn’t be at the same tables, and Stacey doesn’t want to do it.”

I frown. “When did she say this?”

“I just spoke to her,” Brett says. “So, it looks like it’s you and me, babe. Whether you like it or not.” He smirks at me.

I shake my head. Why would she give the job to him? I am the one coordinating here. The coffee arrives, but there’s no way I’m staying. I stand.

“We’ll see about that,” I say.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to talk to Laura. You and I aren’t working together on the seating chart. I’ll take care of it.”

“Okay…but what Laura wants goes, you know that, right?”

“You don’t even know her,” I snap.

Brett grins. “I have a way with women.” He waggles his eyebrows, and I scowl at him.

“You’re disgusting.”

I storm away, the sound of his laughter following me out of the dining room.

Damn it!

I don’t know why I let him get to me like that. He likes riling me up. But what irritates me isn’t that he likes doing that. What gets to me is that on some level, a part of me likes that he’s trying to mess with me.

And that part I need to get rid of.

I know I’m being stupid, holding onto the past. But I can’t afford to like Brett. I can’t let myself think he’s anything other than a womanizing asshole. Because he’s charming and funny and the way he touched me last night…the way he kissed me and held me and fucked me…I can’t get lost in that.

I want someone, but not like this. Not like him.

I’m going to end up getting hurt, and that’s the last thing I’m going to allow. I can’t risk liking Brett. So I need to keep hating him. Even if it means I have to hold onto the last thing he did to me that was so awful. Petty. Childish. A decade ago.

I ride the elevator all the way to the penthouse, where there are three apartments. Stacey and Marc are in the same suite, but he’ll move to the middle suite when the wedding gets closer. And Laura and Harvey share the other suite.

When I knock, Laura opens.

I smile at her. “I have some good news,” I say. “And I want to talk to you about a few things.” I’ll smooth the way with the news about the flowers before I tell her to let me do it all without any help. I don’t need Brett to do something I’ve done successfully by myself for years now.

I don’t need Brett to mess with me when I’m perfectly in control.