"This place is the shit," I say. I look around the suite I've been given. It's not nearly as homey as my place, but the decor is expensive and I know this hotel has a five-star rating and bookings for months and months in advance. The bed is large enough to have two girls in there with me at the same time, at least.

I grin at the idea.

"Think this will do?" Marc asks, looking around, too.

"Yeah, it's fine." I grin at him.“You look great."

Marc has always been a looker, with his blond hair and hazel eyes that get girls swooning and his solid build that intimidates the shit out of anyone who doesn’t look like we do. But he’s the most loyal fucker I know, and he’s so happy with Stacey, it’s enough to make me sick.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” he says. "I hear you have a huge fanbase."

I shrug. "They're fans of what they can get from me."

"And you don't disappoint."

I laugh. "My reputation precedes me. How's Stacey doing?"

Marc sighs and jams his hands into his jeans' pockets. “She’s worked up over the wedding, stressed about her mom...you know how it goes. I'll be glad when this is all over.”

"Weddings are for the girls. Honeymoons are for the boys." I wink at him and turn to unzip my bag. While we talk, I put my clothes into the closet. I leave my duffel bag with training clothes and equipment where it is on the floor.

Marc laughs and shakes his head. "I'm not even thinking about that right now. I feel like I'm the referee between Stacey and Laura. But the MOH is here now and she's taking some of the load."

I shake my head. “Why do women do this to themselves? I swear, if I ever get married, I’m eloping and getting married on beach without all the added drama.”

“Since when do you think about getting married?” Marc laughs.

I chuckle. “Yeah, yeah. I know. But it’s all this shit with the hotel and the big wedding and my best friend tying the knot. Enough to get a guy to wax poetic.”

Marc laughs. “Bullshit. You’ve never been the romantic type. If you can’t fuck ‘em, you’re not interested.”

“You’re making me sound like a son of a bitch.”

“You are a son of a bitch.”

We both laugh.

Fuck, it’s so good to see Marc again. We kept in contact after getting drafted by different teams, and he’s one of the few people I really care about. I kept in contact with a few of the others. Noah is the only one I still talk to from high school, but we’re not that close.

“What are we doing tonight?” I ask when I'm done unpacking and we've caught up on the big stuff. “We should go drinking.”

“We’re training,” Marc laughs. "You know, for the big game coming up?"

“And we’re together. That doesn’t happen often. I’m up for a couple of drinks if you are.” I rub my hands together.

Marc nods. “Okay, sure. The girls are going out to drink, too. We should make a thing of it. Tom flew in with me, too, so we’re almost a full party.”

“When is Noah flying in?” I ask.

Luke, another player on Marc's team, was supposed to be the third man in our entourage, but he came down sick. Since Marc and Noah know each other pretty well, and Laura gets her panties in a twist about doing things right for the photos, Marc asked Noah to fill in. The guy came through like the bro he is, and as long as Laura can have the wedding picture perfect on the big day, everything is right with the world.

“Day before the wedding. He has shit to take care of now that he’s all high and mighty.”

I snort. “He’s just acting like being an agent is better because he doesn’t want to admit he wanted to get drafted, too. It’s not the worst thing to change direction, but he acts like it’s the end of the world.”

“It was the end of his,” Marc points out.

He’s not wrong. Noah and I were best friends in high school, both on the football team, and we both had big plans. But shit happens sometimes. We all have to give up something. He, unfortunately, had to give up football. He also gave up the girl. I can't say I wasn't supportive of that. But I will never admit to anyone that I was happy Noah left her.