Chapter 3


“Hey man,” Colin says and fits bumps me when we walk onto the field. “How’s it hanging?”

“A little to the left,” I say with a wink.

Colin laughs. “Fucking A, man.”

We start running around the field to warm up. Our training grounds are green and beautiful; the buildings have recently been painted. It's our pride and joy to show off. The stadium in the background has been renovated, too.

We’re already wearing our equipment, making our bodies look bulkier and our heads smaller than they already are.

“When are you headed out to the hotel?” he asks.

“Tonight. The bridesmaids are all flying in later, and Marc asked me to show face. But I can think of better things than to drink with the hens.”

“Come on, maybe they’re hot.”

I nod. “They’re bound to be. But the last thing I want is to fuck one of them so early on, and then she thinks we’re attached for the whole wedding. I don’t do attached, man.”

“Not even for a week?” Colin laughs.

I shake my head. “Women’s minds are all screwy. To them, a week is just the intro to forever. If you can’t just kick them out of bed in the morning, forget their names and never run into them again, then you’re just setting yourself up for disaster. Ball and fucking chain, my friend. That’s where it starts, and then the next thing you know, you’re suddenly getting married.”

Colin laughs. “What kind of women have you been with that you’re so fucking tainted?”

“Hey, you know how they can get,” I say. “You have three sisters.”

“Watch it. They’re all great girls.”

“I’m sure they are,” I say.

We make our way around the field one last time before we drop to the floor and start stretching. We've only just started training and I'm already dripping with sweat. The weather is insane this time of year, and I feel like it's only getting worse.

When I look up, I'm disappointed at the lack of clouds. A thunderstorm would be great just about now.

“Is the wedding before or after the game?”

“Before,” I say. “Stacey was scared Marc would get a black eye or a broken collar bone or some shit and she doesn’t want the photos messed up. Good call, too. We’re out for blood.”

Colin and I glance at the rest of the team members, all stretching on the grass.

The Rainbow Warriors lost to the Golden Bears three times in a row now. The first time smarted. The second time was a disgrace. Now, after the third time, we have to do something to redeem ourselves.

We start our training, and Colin and I stop talking about broads and pulling them over. We focus on the practice. This is our time to shine—we need to make sure that we bring this one home. They can’t kick our asses on our own turf; that will just be pathetic.

I’m excited about the game. Not only because I love what I do, but because it will be good to see Marc again. At the game, and at the wedding.

We studied in Miami together before I got drafted for the team. There was no doubt about it—I took the position and moved to Hawaii. I had nothing to lose.

I still don’t. I have no strings attached, and although I love living here and I’m loyal to my team, I won’t hesitate to pick up and leave if it’s time to move on.

When the training is over, Colin and I walk to the changing room to hit the showers.

“So, this is what you do,” he says. “You don’t want one of them to get attached to you, so you flirt with them all the way to the wedding. You know, prime them, get them good and interested. Then the night before the wedding, you sleep with them, and you’re home free.”

I laugh. “You’ve been thinking about it this whole time?”