"The best man is already here; he plays for the Hawaiian Rainbow Warriors."

I raise my eyebrows. “That sounds like a conflict of interest.”

Stacey giggles. “He’s not going to do anything like sabotage Marc, you know. They’re really good friends.”

The football world is a small one. I’m just glad that whoever it is, he’s here already. I need to work with him at some point to make sure that Marc is ready—men don’t take care of the important things. I need the best man to step up and make sure that the suits are in order, the bachelor’s party doesn’t get out of hand, and that the rings have been ordered and are ready to use during the ceremony. There’s nothing worse than a wedding without the rings, or the groom not being photo-ready when it’s time to get everything lined up.

“I want to contact the best man,” I say. “Do you have a number for me?”

“He’s coming in to meet us all tomorrow. I don’t think you need to worry about it.”

I nod. She’s right; we still have some time. But I want to get to know this guy so that we can get things started, and make sure that Stacey’s wedding is everything it’s supposed to be.

“He’s single, you know,” Stacey says, pouring another glass from the cocktail pitcher.



I narrow my eyes. “His name is Brett?”

Stacey nods. “Sure, why?”

I roll my eyes. “Sounds like an asshole.”

“What?” Stacey laughs. “Why?”

“I knew a Brett once in high school. He was a total dick.”

“So, anyone with the same name is a dick?” Stacey’s eyes are filled with laughter while she sips her cocktail.

I shrug. “Maybe this guy is better than the one I knew.”

“Let’s hope so,” Stacey says. “Because he’s single.”

I laugh. “I’m not looking for a relationship.”

“Good,” Stacey says. “He doesn’t date; he just hooks up. That’s what Marc says. He’s got so many notches on his bedpost—”

“You’re making him sound like Prince Charming,” I say sarcastically. “How will I stop myself from swooning when I see him? Notches on his bed post, oh my.” I fan myself and flutter my eyelashes.

Stacey collapses in a fit of giggles. “That’s not what I mean. I’m just pointing out facts.”

I laugh. “I don’t need a hookup for the wedding, Stace. Really, I’m here to make sure it runs smoothly. Stop trying to set me up with someone.”

“You’re the only one without a date,” she says.

I groan inwardly. I didn’t need her to remind me of that.

“I’m here to plan a wedding,” I say smoothly. “That’s my focus. Come on; you should be happy I’m not ogling the men around here, but rather making your wedding exactly what you want and keeping your mom happy.”

Stacey laughs. “You’re right! Don’t you dare look at any of the guys, okay? No matter if they’re all single. Which they are.”

I roll my eyes and we laugh together.

Stacey and I have been friends since college and she’s like a sister to me. When I thought my whole life was falling apart because my high school sweetheart left me high and dry, Stacey was there to pick up the pieces. If it hadn’t been for her, I might have done something stupid in college. I’d had it all planned out—I was going to marry Noah, my then-boyfriend, get a degree, and pop out a few kids. Until he didn’t get the scholarship he wanted so badly at UCLA, and he decided to ditch me and run to Miami instead.

If it hadn’t been for Noah, though, I wouldn’t have learned to stand on my own two feet. Its thanks to all the wrong guys in my life that I now know what I want in my Mr. Right. The list is long, but he's out there.