“Well, you’re going to need some extra practice with that. We’re far too tame to prepare you for what’s out there,” Laura says. "Have you heard those stories? Bridezilla, they call them. Despicable."

Stacey rolls her eyes, and I stifle a giggle. Stacey won't be bridezilla, but Laura might be a different story. She can be at the top of the drama food chain if she wants to. We haven’t seen anything yet, and I know things are going to get worse as we creep closer to the wedding.

The food arrives. The platter is loaded with crackers, different kinds of cheeses, grapes, and figs.

Laura takes a grape and pops it into her mouth while she checks her phone.

“Oh, Stacey, darling, the Olsens have accepted the invite,” Laura says to Stacey. “I forgot to tell you. Meg is bringing all five children with their significant others.”

“That’s twelve extra people!” Stacey cries out. “Isn’t that over our mark?”

“Don’t be silly; I wasn’t going to tell Meg to leave them all home.”

“They’re grownups, mom. They don’t exactly qualify as kids that need to tag along anymore.”

“And do you expect for us to tell you and Marc you can’t come to a wedding when we’re invited?” Laura asks, indignant. "These are the Olsens, sweetheart. We can't uninvite them."

“No, you’re right,” Stacey sighs. “And you’re paying, so I guess it doesn’t matter, does it?”

Laura glances at her wristwatch. “I have to go.”

“You’ve barely eaten,” Stacey says.

“No, you go on and eat without me. I need to talk to your father about something, and Genevieve Le Roux is flying in. I said we would pick her up from the airport. You know how frazzled she gets when she travels. This is her first wedding without Tony by her side. I think she’s going to need emotional support.”

“It’s been three years since the divorce.”

Laura offers her a pointed look before she drops a kiss in Stacey’s hair and pats me on the shoulder.

Stacey mutters something, but Laura doesn’t stick around to hear what it is. When she’s gone, I turn to Stacey.

“Don’t let her work you up. It's going well so far."

“Easier said than done. She’s going to turn into a nightmare. I’m already not doing anything right.”

“It’s going to be fine,” I say. “Just don’t get into a fight with her. You keep taking the bait.”

“I know, I know,” Stacey says, shaking her head. “I never learn. But she’s right, you know. About doing weddings.”

“I’ll think about it,” I say. “I haven’t considered it.”

“Maybe see how this one goes. After I’m married, you’ll know how many mothers of the bride you can stand in one day and take it from there.” She giggles.

We dig into the cheese board.

“Marc is flying in tonight,” Stacey says. “I can’t wait to see him.”

Marc is flying in with the team. The California Golden Bears are playing a big NFL game against the Hawaiian Rainbow Warriors on their home ground. It’s the reason Stacey’s mom decided to host the wedding here—the wedding doubles with the game, making it exotic and efficient. That Laura can use those two words in the same sentence is enough to turn her on.

“When are the groomsmen arriving?” I ask. “At the same time?”

Stacey shakes her head. “Only one of them is on the team, so he’ll join us then. Thomas. We're still waiting to hear from Luke. His silence has me worried."

"We'll take care of it."

"We need someone here. Two groomsmen and three bridesmaids will be lopsided on the photos. My mom will develop a hernia."

I laugh. "We'll take care of it, Stace. I promise. Who else?"