Chapter 14


It’s almost the end of the week. The wedding is creeping closer, and despite everyone’s worries that the wedding won’t work out the way it should, everything is falling into place. Nothing has gone wrong so far.

“I think we should see it as an omen,” Stacey says. “Nothing has gone wrong yet, and if there’s no time left before the wedding…it’s going to go wrong there.”

I shake my head. “You can’t think like that. Seriously, everything going right is a good thing. It’s going to be great, okay? Don’t let your mom make you think otherwise.”

“You’re right, you’re right.” Stacey pins her hair back. “She gets in my head and then I can’t think straight anymore.”

“Tonight, you’re not allowed to think about any of the plans, or what your mom says, or anything that’s not connected to fun. Okay?”

We already had a high tea kitchen shower for Stacey, where all the women that were already present showered her with gifts, and she was spoiled. Now that the older women retired for the night, it’s our turn.

The bachelorette party isn’t going to be a crazy one. Stacey doesn’t want strippers, and she hates getting blackout drunk. I’m not going to force my friend to do something she doesn’t want.

“This is for you,” Nina says, coming in with four dry-cleaning bags. She hands the white one to Stacey, and to me and Kelsey one each.

“What’s this?” Stacey asks, unzipping it. Then, she squeals.

We got her a short fitted white dress, complete with a short little veil and white shoes. We’re all wearing the same dress, but in black, sans the veils.

“You guys, this is incredible!” she hugs us.

“Before we get dressed and ready to go out, we’re playing a few drinking games here first,” I say.

I fetch the bottles of wine I ordered up to the penthouse and bring out a few drinking games I packed for the trip.

Stacey squeals and the girls pop open the wine bottles and start pouring glasses.

When the hotel phone rings, Stacey jumps up to get it. She talks into the phone for a moment before she frowns and looks at me.

“Jen…Charlie is in the lobby.”

“What?” I ask.

“Charlie. He’s in the lobby. He wants to see you.”

“Are you serious?” I ask. “How did he find me?”

Stacey shrugs, looking as confused as I feel. “What do you want me to say? You should talk to him.”

“Why?” I ask. “Tell them to get rid of him.”

“Is this your ex?” Nina asks. “He flew all the way here to see you? That’s so romantic.”

“Yeah,” Kelsey agrees. “You should talk to him, see what he wants.”

I shake my head. “What I want is to live my life without my exes making it hard for me.”

“Just hear him out,” Stacey says. “We’ll wait with all this.”

“Or we’ll come with you and eavesdrop,” Kelsey says, her eyes bright.

I groan. “Fine.”

I leave the penthouse and ride the elevator down to the lobby. When the doors slide open, Charlie sees me from the seat he’s been waiting in, and he stands.