I do as she tells me and thank the delivery man before he walks away. I look at the flowers.

“Who’s in room five-oh-seven?” she asks.

I start getting hot, a blush creeping up from my collar, and it feels like my ears are burning.

“Brett,” I say.

“Who was that?” Stacey asks, coming in from the balcony. “Oh, Nina. You brought…flowers?”

“These are from Brett,” I say.

Stacey and Nina glance at each other. “Looks like you two took care of things,” she says.

I shake my head and pluck a white card from the bouquet.

Here’s to you and me, babe.

“That’s really cute,” Nina said.

I roll my eyes. I’m irritated. Brett is messing with me. He’s trying to rile me up, and it’s working.

“It’s not,” I say. “He’s trying to piss me off.”

“It looks like it’s working,” Stacey says, but there’s laughter in her voice.

I shake my head. “He’s such an asshole!”

The girls dissolve into a fit of giggles and I roll my eyes before I toss the bouquet onto the coffee table.

“You’re not putting that in water?” Nina asks.

“Why? I don’t want to put it on display and have them keep. Brett is an ass. He’s doing this to be annoying.”

“It’s a sweet way to be annoying,” Stacey points out.

“That’s what makes it so annoying,” I say.

Nina shakes her head. “For someone who hates a guy as much as you do, it looks a lot like a cute little courtship.”

“Shut up,” I say.

Nina bursts out laughing.

“Are we going to fit those dresses, or what?” Nina asks. “Kelsey is already with your mom. I’m sure she’s talked her to death by now.”

“Yeah, let’s go,” Stacey says, nodding. She looks at me. “We’re okay, right?”

“Of course,” I say. “I’ll figure this out. I promise.”

Stacey hugs me, and the three of us leave my room to go to Laura’s suite. We’re going to fit the bridesmaids dresses yet again. I doubt anything will be wrong—nothing’s happened since the last fitting a month ago. But now that we’re all here in Hawaii, Laura is going over everything with a fine-toothed comb. She’s not leaving anything to chance. There’s far too much at stake here for her image, and it’s her only daughter getting married.

When we ride up to the penthouse suite, we laugh and joke, but my mind drifts to Brett.

Flowers? Does he think he’s funny?

And that card…it’s clear he’s trying to work me up. And it’s working. That only irritates me more.

If I want to figure this out and get through the next week or so working with him, I’m going to have to ignore his little jabs. I don’t want him to know it’s getting to me. He’ll only keep going. I just need to pretend it doesn’t mean anything to me. He can do what he wants; it won’t affect me.

That’s what I need to do. I need to do what I did to him while Noah and I were together. As long as I ignore Brett, he’ll stop. He just wants attention, and that’s the one thing he’s not going to get from me. Last night, after drinking, was a weakness. But I won’t let that happen again.

I’m just going to keep my head in the game and focus on making this the most spectacular wedding the world has ever seen. I can’t forget why I’m here—the publicity surrounding this might kickstart my career and send me in a whole new direction. And as a wedding coordinator, who knows.

What I do know is that I can’t afford someone like Brett throwing me off track.

I’m going to do what I do best, make this a great event, and ride the wave as far as I can. After I broke up with Charlie, I told myself I didn’t need a man, and that’s as true now as it was then.

I can do this on my own. And people like Brett, who make life difficult for me, just remind me that I’m strong enough to keep at it without anyone’s help. If anything, I need to thank him for reminding me what assholes men can be.