I may be the one holding her hostage, but she’s earned these repercussions all herself.

Jerking, I tug again when her eyes start to droop. She started this, she doesn’t get to wimp out now that she’s seeing firsthand the results of her actions.

Their hurt,theirsuffering.

I hear Madison gulp the second my mouth parts. Her nostrils flare, probably guessing what’s coming next.

Let her assume. It isn’t going to change what I’m about to let the students do.

“Anyone here a fan of what’s behind me?” Referring to the trophy case I drop-kicked Madison in front of.


“Go on, don’t be shy,” I encourage. My tone as vindictive as it is pushing.

Dead silence.

Good. This means the majority have a conscience and know it’s wrong or the ones who do disagree are too much of a coward to speak up. Either way, I have their full attention.

“Madison took it upon herself to make this nice little chart behind me.” I smirk, bending down. “What did you call it again? Showing school spirit?”

Her eyes widen but all I see reflecting back is her fear.

My grin turns merciless as I right myself. “I call it bullying. Madison is a bully to everyone.” That fact about as surprising as grass being green.

She tugs, and I tug harder. I’m sure her regretting wearing her hair up today is the least of her worries now.

“A bully isn’t afraid to drive a fist when they could have as easily extended a hand to shake instead. So, that’s what I’m letting everyone do today. Letting you do something she never did.”

Something she never got from her own family.

“You all get to decide if you want to extend the hand of friendship or throw the first punch? It’s your choice.” Their decision, something Madison never once gave them.

Let her clean up the mess she made or be forced to listen if they choose to let their voices be heard. That’s what I’m giving them.

The decision their own. The experience humbling as it will be humiliating for her either way.

It takes a few minutes for everyone to understand how deadly serious I am about this, but eventually, I see movement.

Someone shifts, stepping forward from the crowd. The girl tucks a piece of mousy-brown hair behind her ear. “I have something I would like to say.” Voice soft, hesitant.

She looks around, eyeing the room that’s as dead as a graveyard. Her face shows her doubt, her fear.

“It’s alright.” I encourage.

She nods out her discomfort. As if by magic, her confidence appears in the form of her voice.

“I wanted to say that for years you’ve made me feel small. More than that,” she retracts, eyes only for Madison. “Worthless. You made me feel like I’m nothing. You are awful, selfish, and greedy.”

The girl’s eye contact as strong as her need to get this off her chest.

“I dreamed of a day where I could treat you the same. Embarrass you the way you do to me. Be as petty and spiteful, and you know what, I finally have my chance. The opportunity.”

She hiccups out a chuckle, but it goes empty.

Madison wiggles and I shove my knee into her back, straightening her shoulders. She did this to herself.

“Rory says it’s our choice, and she’s right. I could be as awful as you are.” She snorts. “You deserve it, but you know what that would make me?” The girl’s eyes flick to mine momentarily before going back. “That would put me on the same level as you and that’s something I no longer want.”