You know, it should be alarming how quickly her face morphs from nail-biting anxiousness to annoyance. Doubtful Princess has ever been called into this room. She’s too good.

She may be irritated but I think she looks adorable. Her little nose pinches while those pearly grays loathe me with everything she is. I could sigh, just like old times.

“What am I doing here?”

My lip curves. Notice how she doesn’t ask why the principal isn’t here when she’s been dismissed from class? Rory—although too late—is smart enough to deduce she was lied to, to get her in here with me.

Maybe she does know me after all. The thought not unnerving. This exactly like something I’d do. Also reserving and paying off the principal with enough money to cover their lunch at the nicest restaurant in town for lunch helps too.

I take my time answering. Kicking my feet off the desk, only whenI’mready as I lean forward. “We need to talk.”

We’re on my time now.

I’ll never let her know it, but I’m glad when she doesn’t automatically sprint back out the door. A cliché Rory move. Avoid the problem rather than face it head-on.

At least that’s how it is if it’s her own. If it’s for someone else, it’s never the same issue. She’ll stand up for them until her heart gives out.

That, unfortunately, the one way in which we differed. Conflict my middle name.

“Don’t you think you’ve already done enough?”

I cock my head, her answering her own question before I can ask.

“Don’t have enough enemies, so you start going after teammates now.” Sarcasm drips from her every word.

My eyes shine. So, shehadbeen watching.

Rory’s mood sours further at my amusement. Catching herself in her own error.

Those perfect lips of hers smashing together, all pouty-like. I know she’s angry, but all it does is make my dick stir. Beautiful, same as always, but especially like this.

After that, she doesn’t try to talk, waiting on me to explain. She’s always been a curious thing, so I use that to my advantage to drag this out.

I know she’s uncomfortable because she keeps shifting her feet every few seconds as she tries not to look unaffected. But I’m content with the fact that she hasn’t run yet.

It gives me a sliver of hope that under that hardened exterior, the one she shows the world. The one that gave no fucks, possibly gave one fuck about me.

The air grows more suffocating. Negativity the only thing in the room other than ourselves.

“Why am I here?” she asks. Patience dwindling.

I bite my tongue, hating how exhausted she sounds.

Spanning my arms out wide. Lengthening them to shoulder height. “You know, I only know how to do things grand, so here you go.”

Rory eyes the room, unamused or unimpressed. Both, I decide.

“You think I want this?” She jabs, sounding offended.

I jolt from my seat. She isn’t talking about the room.

“Seems to me you like the chase since that’s all I’ve been doing for a while, and you haven’t left yet.” This firework is about to meet their match.

Her mouth lifts into a sneer. “So many people worship you. Bow down to your feet like a king and yet I know the truth.” Her eyes darken to the color of ash. “You’re such a joke.”

I know I’m gawking, but I can’t help it. After everything we’ve been through, I can’t believe she thinks so little of me.

“Oh yeah, and what does that make you then, Princess?” I accuse. Unbelieving my ears.