“Did you learn why a crescent moon is special?”

My mouth puckers, puzzled as I try to remember but after a few seconds I give up and he laughs. I’m not sure why but it makes me laugh too.

I knew I liked him.

“Why?” I ask, excited now.

“The moon”—I open my mouth to correct him, but he beats me on a soft smirk—“acrescentmoon is special because even though it doesn’t look like it’s all there, it is. It’salwaysthere. It’s just concealed by a shadow.”

He swallows then and I watch as his throat bobs. Not understanding his reaction or his statement.

“Why does it have to hide?”

“It’s not hiding, it just has to go through phases. Like when we close our eyes at night and go to sleep. Always there, even when we can’t see it.”

I nod, thinking I understand, but I really don’t. It seems to put him at ease though, so I continue to do it.

“A crescent moon is special, like you.” His voice more taut than seconds ago. “So, I need you to promise me something, okay?”

My grip firms, agreeing.

“Promise me, you’ll always take care of this necklace. If you keep the moon with you, darkness will have light.” His voice lowers, face more drawn and serious than I understand why. “You keep the necklace, you keep the answers.”

“I keep the necklace. I have the answers,” I repeat slowly. Trying to commit it to memory.

His brows dip, creasing in focus. “Promise you’ll hold on to it for me?”

I bow my head sternly, gaze strong.




Toworryistobelieve that there is a need for doubt. And doubting is something that I donotdo. I have never doubted my abilities before, so why would I start now?

If I questioned myself, then there would arise the headache of emotions that follow as such. Anxiety, grief, panic, dread…


A terrible sulking set of emotions that will only waste more of my time and energy that I could have used on looking for Rory instead.

Yes, I did have a momentary lapse of judgment before I knew she’d left. Trying to drink away her memory, even if it was of no use. Permanently like glue, she’s stayed stuck here in my mind since I’ve first known her. Met her.Sawher.

One miscalculation or misdirection is not going to change this for me. Rory may have packed up, stolen Finn’s car and shipped out but that doesn’t mean she’s gone. It just means it’s my turn to chase the rabbit.

That’s why I know with a hundred-percent positivity that we’re going to find her. The vixen may have slipped from under our noses, but I’ve always been good at tailing. Especially when it comes to Princess.

Rory is missing, but she’ll be found. It’s never been a matter of if, but when.

Nothing will stop me, same as it never has before. Not with Rory, not for my princess.

I’ve always had to work hard when it comes to Rory, and this time will be no different. Nothing but time standing in the way now. That and being openly ignored by every single other person in this room.

The second one a more current revelation.

Well, everyone except Eli’s dad, but the only reason he isn’t is because he’s getting paid. Sgt. Daniels is head of security for our families. The generous amount he gets paid to be here attests to him putting in more effort than everyone else.