Even Eli is chatty, well friendly, for him. It’s been a little awkward, but I know he’s been putting on a brave face trying. So, that’s what I do too.

One day I know we’ll be back to how we’d been before because that’s how Eli is. Forever the loyal guy who has my back and lets me borrow from his book collection like when we were kids.

Cole’s tongue pokes out, and his wolflike eyes flicker my way, catching my gawk. Taking his thumb, he wets it before wiping off the rest of the melted chocolate smudge in the crease.

The embers dance off his pupils before he drags his attention back to the pit. The smokiness in them makes my nerves jump.

The large open flame burns but it’s incomparable to the blaze I have for him inside my chest.

“Anyone want to play Truth or Dare?”

Finn’s suggestion will most likely end in disaster, but I could use the distraction. “I’m game,” I say, too eager.

“Alright, lil sis, you’re up first then. Truth or dare?”

I don’t trust Finn with either choice, especially since he has that devilish glint in his eye. Rubbing his hands together, waiting with anticipation.

I take the coward’s way out. “Truth.”

“When was the last time you lied?”

That’s an easy one. “When I told you I wanted to play this game.”

Several snickers bounce around the group. I shake them off because it’s the truth.

Finn raises his can, tossing back the rest and crushing it in his grip. “Touché, lil sis. Touché.”

Grabbing at another from inside the cooler, he tosses one at Eli when he raises a hand. Wanting a fresh one as well.

“You’re up.”

Scanning, I rotate my head, deciding on who I want my victim to be. “Eli, truth or dare?” No better time than the present to get this friendship back on the right track.

He doesn’t hesitate. “Truth.”

“What’s your fetish?”

“Ohhh, this is about to get real good,realfast.” Finn gleams, leaning forward in his chair with anticipation.

The side of Eli’s mouth tugs, but he doesn’t look away. Thinking it over for only a moment before saying, “guess you could say it seems I have a thing for screwing redheads.”

“I knew it,” Finn says, jumping out of his seat. “Fucking called it, man.”

Eli raises his drink, saluting with it before it goes to his lips, not denying anything. His eyes dance following Finn’s bouncy antics but that’s not why they look amused. I can’t be sure but it’s almost like there’s a secret hidden behind them.

“Never trust the quiet ones, they’re always the freakiest,” Finn spouts off, finding his seat again.

“My turn,” Eli interjects before Finn can say more. Rotating his head, he looks for the next victim like I had. Only his isn’t genuine, already having a target in mind. Gaze unmoving as soon as they land on… “Cole. You’re up, buddy, truth or dare?”


Iceman may not seem nervous but I am. Wiping my hands down the legs of my jeans to dry off the sweat.

“I dare you to say one honest thing about everyone in the group.” Eli’s eyes blazing as he settles in his chair.

A tension runs between them. On the outside, they both look composed, but it silently hums all around us. Building, but it’s not quite ready yet.

You’d think one would be nervous about spouting opinions but that isn’t Cole’s style. If anything, Eli has given him a pass to admit what he really thinks without repercussions.