Iimpulsetextedhimand ended up here tonight. I’m now doubting whether it was a good idea to come alone after pulling up to the address he sent.

This location is sketchy as fuck.

Angling, I contort my body to see out the front windshield. The view from this angle is no better. The yellowness of my headlights does nothing to diminish that swirling feeling of doubt that currently sits in my gut.

“Who did you recommend, Hails?” I mumble aloud.

This the stereotypical start to any bad horror movie,always.I’ve never been to this side of town, and I can’t imagine during the daytime, it’s much better than at night.

The street empty of anything but a spiky, wrought iron fence and a long wall of red brick on the other. The line of buildings smashed together as far back as I can see.

Rough would be putting it nicely. I’m officially creeped out as I turn off the engine.

Mentally, I already have my escape route planned out by the time I check my phone. The text I’d sent Hailey goes unanswered, so I toss my phone on the dash after another five minutes.

This is the guy her parents recommended, the least she can do is answer the phone. I know the girl lives for her socials, so why isn’t she answering?

This is so unlike her.

I need the added reassurance that come tomorrow, they aren’t going to find my body in a ditch on the side of the road.

My phone vibrates, lighting the car in a blueish hue. I reach for it instantly.

She better have a good excuse for why she chose now of all times to ignore me.

I chuck the phone into my bag after I respond to Mr. Sketchy himself. At least he is thorough. Double-checking that I’m still coming.

I was… or I am.

So what if I’d forgotten about Hailey’s little suggestion until after Lorna randomly decided she wanted to eat with us at dinner. It’d been only Abram and me. Still, she found a way to insult me and Lillian as she sucked down her soup which mostly consisted of chicken broth.

Her comment got my head spinning, with more questions than answers coming to mind. First, it was my despisal for her. Then it shifted to how Finn mentioned Lorna hated, in the past, whenever Abram brought either of us up. It was then I realized after everything, I still have no idea why she attacked me over a book.

After that, my mind went berserk, running like a well-oiled machine. One thing led to another and now I’m here.

Swallowing down my doubts with the same fervor that got me in this whole mess to begin with, I climb out.

Because—whatever, it doesn’t matter. I’m here now. Might as well see what the guy has to say.

“Thought you’d changed your mind,” he grunts after I knock.

My ribs scream, but I shove past, coming inside anyway. The asshole only opened the door narrow enough for me to pinch my way in.

I glare, already on edge as is, but this isn’t starting off so good. Trapped in a room with a man who’s over twice my age. The greasy balding spot on the crown of his head not helping either.

Not only is he twice my age, but that goes for weight as well. This guy is huge but not in a cute teddy bear kind of way, more like liver spots and too many sci-fi movies type.

I watch in slow motion as the door closes. My last thought before he hits the lock is that I shouldn’t have parked down the street.

His scowl is eerie, and I know then I’ve signed over my own death warrant. Hailey’s mom undersold how strange this guy was.

Kookyis not the word I’d use.

Eyeing the room for another way of escape as he continues to block the door, I notice there isn’t much else in here. Hailey had said he’s a collector of rare books, but I don’t see one in sight.

I’m hoping, for my sake, he keeps those somewhere else because all that’s inthisroom are a few mismatched pieces of furniture and some empty microwave meal containers.

“You bring it with you?”