I didn’t have long to wait, it turned out—I’d barely settled back into the cushions when the doorknob jiggled gently and the lock clicked as someone inserted a key and turned it slowly. I was already on my feet and halfway to the door when it swung open. And there she was—looking small and defeated and sad, her face pale and drawn, a stark contrast to the dark waves that stuck to her cheeks in wet clumps.

“Jesus, Josie.” I ushered her inside and closed the door behind her, then reached out to grab her bag and set it to the side. “What happened? I’m so sorry I missed your text, I overslept and my fucking phone broke and I—”

Wordlessly, she stepped toward me and buried her face in my shoulder. She drew in a ragged breath, and when I cautiously wrapped my arms around her to pull her closer, heedless of her soaking wet hair and clothes, I felt her shake with silent sobs.

“What happened?” I asked softly. I ran a hand down her dripping hair and damp clothes. “Was it your test?”

She sniffed and took a step back, nodding. “Yeah.” Streaks of rainwater dotted the lenses of her glasses, and she took them off to rub at her teary eyes. “It was really bad. I completely fucked it up.”

I plucked her glasses from her trembling fingers and carefully wiped the lenses against the dry fabric of my t-shirt before I handed them back. “You really think that?” I felt cautious about how to respond. Wary. After all, I’d never tried to get into medical school, so how the fuck would I know what that test was like?

Josie hesitated. “Not for sure. It’s all multiple choice, and I threw up before I went in—"

“Oh, shit, Josie.” I cupped her wet cheek in my big palm, feeling awful for her. “I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you.”

She shook her head numbly. “It’s fine—I was upset, but if you didn’t do it on purpose, it’ll be okay.” She looked up at me as she reached up under her glasses to flick another tear away. “Can I get changed into some dry clothes? Maybe we can order some food? I just want to be with you tonight and to let you—" she paused, her face and voice uncertain.

“To let me take care of you?” I leaned down and kissed her temple as she nodded. “Of course we can do that, Josie.” There was nothing else I’d rather do than tend to my girl and her needs after the shit day she’d had.

I bent down and picked up her bag. It was a little heavier than I expected, as if it held clothes for more than one day. With my free hand, I laced my fingers through hers and tugged her toward the stairs. She followed without a moment of hesitation, and when I glanced back at her face, there was relief in her expression, mingled with the sadness and fatigue.

Relief to be here with me, I realized.

She didn’t say anything as I led her up the stairs. But she didn’t let go of my hand, either. Not once.