“Goodnight, baby,” I said affectionately as she stopped at the door. I picked up the key she’d sat on the top of the microwave in my kitchenette and handed it to her. “Don’t be afraid to use this again. Anytime.”

“Goodnight, Ben.”

And then she was gone, leaving the scent of her behind as the only tangible proof that she’d ever been there.

* * *

The next daywas all about Michael. He was the groom to be, preparing to walk down the aisle in two days, and this was his last chance to party as a single man. I only had one restriction when it came to the bachelor party.

No stripper.

Faith didn’t like the idea of it, and they’d both agreed not to go that route. I was fine with that decision. I’d been to a couple of bachelor parties that had that kind of private entertainment in the past, and it had always seemed a little awkward to me. I also didn’t get turned on by strippers. If they wanted to make their living that way, more power to them, but I preferred a woman to get naked for me because she wanted to.

Like Tatum last night. Nothing in the world was sexier than the way she came to me in only a robe, and nothing else. Having her spread out beneath me, her pussy glistening with arousal, was erotic as hell. Much better than watching a woman that was only in it for the money.

There were some fun activities available on the island, so even though the bachelor party wasn’t until the evening, Michael and I left the hotel right after lunch, in the early afternoon. I knew that he’d always wanted to try ziplining, and Faith was afraid of heights, so it seemed like the perfect activity for just the two of us to do together before he tied the knot.

“So, how was your family time yesterday?” I asked as we waited in line. We were on a metal staircase that spiraled up around a huge tree and there was a platform built at the top where the zipline began.

“Didn’t start out too bad, but my family comes plenty of drama,” he said with a sigh. “Faith’s cousin is fighting with her mom, and Summer was in a bad mood for some reason that she wouldn’t explain.”

I was surprised to hear that. Summer was Michael’s younger sister, and she was usually so upbeat that Michael constantly teased her for it.

“I guess that not everyone is enjoying their island getaway as much as I am,” I said, and Michael’s smile turned wolfish.

“You know, Faith and I were in the hotel bar last night when you and Tatum got back to the hotel. She flipped when she saw you two holding hands. She thinks the two of you are a perfect match and can’t believe that we never thought to set you guys up before now.”

I chuckled. “Well, ifholding handsgot her excited…”

“You get lucky last night?” Michael guessed.

“I probably shouldn’t say,” I started, thinking about Tatum’s desire to keep what happened between us to ourselves for now.

Michael gave me a light shove against my shoulder. “Come on, I won’t tell anyone if that’s what you want.”

I narrowed my gaze very seriously at him. “Even Faith.”

That wiped the grin off Michael’s face. “Okay, you’re right, you shouldn’t say anything. If you tell me nothing, I know nothing.”

We finally reached the platform and were strapped into harnesses. There were two men and a woman running the event, and I listened as they went through their whole spiel about safety and how the line had automatic speed-reduction mechanisms that would stop us at the end.

“Have you ever done this before, big guy?” the woman asked as she checked that my harness was secure and handed me the helmet that was mandatory to wear. She was young, maybe twenty, and looking at me like I was a snack and she was starving.

“Uh, no,” I replied, wishing there was more room on this platform so that I could step away from her.

“It’s a real thrill. Second best way I know of to get the adrenaline pumping.” She winked at me.

“Second best?” I had a feeling I knew what she was going to say, and I turned out to be right.

“Well, the best way is sex. Of course, it has to be good, if you know what I mean.”

The suggestive smile she gave me told me exactly what she meant. Sex withher.

“Kaitlyn, knock it off,” one of the other men snapped and I shot him a grateful look.

She was young and pretty, but I couldn’t have been less interested. I only had eyes for Tatum now. She was the only woman I wanted.

Kaitlyn pouted, but backed off as Michael and I went to the edge of the platform. There were two ziplines side-by-side, so we were going to go at the same time. I looked over to see that he was already watching me and trying to contain laughter.