Licking her lips, she lifted her hips and reached down between us. She gripped my shaft again, aiming it at her core before slamming herself down onto me, taking my full length in one motion. I let out a harsh groan and she whimpered, the sounds a mixture of relief and raw pleasure.

She started to fuck me, leaning forward with her palms flat on my chest. Her hair fell in a curtain around us and I reached up to finish unbuttoning her dress until I could undo the front clasp of her bra, allowing her breasts to swing freely above me. I licked her nipples and gently bit them, and she shuddered as her pussy clenched around my cock.

My body was flooded with sensation as I settled my hands on her hips and let her be in control. I surrendered to her, allowing her to take her pleasure from me and relishing in the way her tight core gripped me so damn tight.

“Yes,” I said. “Fuck me, Tatum. Oh my God…”

I could feel my orgasm building up inside of me, and I knew that I needed to get Tatum to her own climax. In a surge of movement, I flipped us over so that she was on her back and I shoved the hem of her dress all the way up to her waist. Lifting her legs up onto my shoulders, I braced myself with my arms on either side of her body.

Tatum was nearly bent double as I drove into her fiercely over and over again. I was pounding her into the mattress, taking her rough and fast. Tatum held onto my arms, moaning loudly. This new angle allowed me to penetrate her deeper than ever before, and I felt like a wild animal, completely out of control.

“Ben!” she cried out my name and arched her back, sucking in a sharp breath. Her body went rigid beneath me and I felt her core pulsating around my cock, milking my seed from me and making me feel light-headed from the force of my own release.

My breath left me in a rush as my own orgasm swept over me, and I was flying. I felt like I left the Earth behind, my pleasure ripping me away from reality until the only thing I knew or cared about was Tatum and the bliss of this moment.

It lasted for only a minute or two, and when it was over, I felt drained of energy. I collapsed onto the bed bedside Tatum and we were both silent for a while as we caught our breath. Finally, I sat up in the bed, getting rid of the condom and looking over at Tatum, who was watching me with a lazy, sated smile stretched across her face.

“You okay?” I asked, hoping that I didn’t get too rough with her.

She nodded, turning onto her side and propping her head up with her hand. “I had no idea that you could be so wild and untamed.”

I reached out and caressed my fingers along her cheek. “When I told you that you drove me crazy, I meant it.”

Her smile was slow and sweet. “I guess that’s a good thing.”

I laid down beside her, covering the two of us with the blankets I grabbed from the foot of the bed. I turned to face her, thinking that this felt almost too good, like it was changing me. I couldn’t imagine spending my nights in bed alone anymore. Ever.

“You’re staying tonight, right?” I asked, not sure if I would even take no for an answer.

“Yeah, I’m staying.”

She moved closer, tucking her head into my shoulder. I felt her body relax against me. I ran my fingers through her hair, so soft and silky.

“I was starting to think you weren’t coming at all tonight,” I commented, stifling a yawn.

“I had to run an errand for Faith. Last minute wedding complication with the cake, but I took care of it. I’d apologize for making you wait, but I can’t say that I regret it, considering the scene I walked in on.”

Hearing the amusement in her voice, I chuckled. “That wasn’t exactly planned. I guess I’m an impatient man, but you’re worth waiting for. I’ll remember that next time.”

“Hmm.” It was a small, sleepy sound.

I lifted my head enough to look down into her face. Her eyes were closed, and I smiled.

“Goodnight, baby.” I said, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“Night…” Her reply was faint, and I knew that she’d be asleep in seconds.

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her how I felt about her, which had the potential to change everything. But I held back.

I was thinking about the way she’d pulled away from me earlier today after sharing her past with her ex. I still wasn’t sure what that was all about. Maybe she was feeling self-conscious about her messed-up dating history. I knew that I probably should have told her about Amy to make her feel better, but that situation was so complicated.

Honestly, I didn’t want to scare her away with the truth. I could tell she was already jaded about relationships. My marriage would just be another obstacle between us, and I didn’t want that, not here in paradise, when I had every intention to finalize the divorce as soon as I returned home.

I hadn’t known Tatum for very long, but I already knew that I didn’t want anything to keep us apart. I never would have expected to have to travel over a thousand miles to find the woman of my dreams, even though we lived in the same city all along. As I closed my eyes and let sleep take me, I felt sure that this place was exactly where I was supposed to be.

