"Shit," he muttered. So much for spending more time with Nora and getting his head in better shape.

Nora nodded, as if they hadn't just been discovered making out. "We'll be there directly. Ensure he has refreshments to tide him over."

"The cook is already waiting for the order, miss. And we'll keep him occupied until you come back."

Although judging from the male's tone, he was a little afraid of Khan.

Wielder of Nightmares was quite the title, after all.

Once the footman raced off, River picked up Nora's hat, handed it to her, and lightly gripped her hand in his. "I'm not sure if he can help further or not. But I wouldn't even be able to face him if not for you. I love you for so many reasons, Nora. Thank you."

She blushed as she adjusted her wide-brimmed butterfly hat. "Don't thank me. It's what partners do, correct? Or so Yesenia has said many times to Leo."

"Still, I'm going to thank you often." He leaned closer and whispered, "Maybe not always with words. We still have some kisses to compare and contrast, right?"

"River," she half-heartedly scolded.

He chuckled—fucking chuckled, thanks to his wonderful female—and replied, "Like I said, I'll never stop teasing you, baby."

She gave a secretive smile and he wondered what the fuck she was thinking of now. However, before he could ask, she sighed and gestured toward the house in the distance. "We should probably hurry and not keep the Dark Lord waiting for too long."

He groaned. "I know. Just tell me you'll stay with me, even if he orders you out."

Nora leaned against him. "I'm here for as long as you need me, darling. Always."

The corner of his lip quirked. "A new pet name, I see."

Nora raised her chin a bit. "Yes. And I like it, so it's staying."

He kissed her cheek. "I like it because you say it, baby. Call me whatever you like."

She raised an eyebrow. "Anything? That sounds like a challenge."

He winked. "Then I look forward to your best efforts."

She laughed, and it chased away most of the lingering threads of guilt and sadness.

Oh, he'd need years to get through his shit, to fully get over his nightmares, and guilt, and who knew what other goddamn issues. But Nora's presence would help him enjoy some of the time between now and when he was more put together.

He was never letting go of her. Ever.

As they walked back toward the house, River continued to take strength from Nora's presence at his side and chatted about how to approach the fae witch Dark Lord.

Because he needed to be on his best behavior with Khan. Now that he had the female he loved and a future to fight for, he couldn't jeopardize it with a show of temper or disrespect.

It was fucking time to be polite and pretend to be a nineteenth-century male for the next little while.


Grace Black heard the jostling of a carriage and horse hooves pounding against the gravel in the driveway.

Maybe Everett had returned.

It hadn't even been a day, and she'd rather not have to return to London so soon. Maybe her brother would let her stay with Nora and River. Even with the doctor's current struggles—Grace had heard his screaming like the rest of the household—she was hopeful he could still help her.

Even though she'd lived her entire life in darkness, never knowing what it meant to see something, now that Dr. Vale had dangled the possibility of seeing vague shapes, Grace was anxious and impatient, selfish as that was.

She would never be on equal footing with those who could see everything, but learning how to interpret dark and light—even learning what that truly meant for the first time—might make London a wee bit less hectic.