Nora spoke up. "Of course."

River shared a glance with Nora. "Don't keep Grace up too late. Even if it's early for a vampire, she needs her rest if we're to do the healing procedure tomorrow afternoon."

Everett growled, and Nora took her cue. "We'll be off then."

The pair left and Everett stared him down. River rolled his eyes. "Are we going to stand here, you acting all wolf-like, or can we sit and discuss her condition like fucking civilized people?"

Everett's eyes glowed a fraction—it usually meant the animal half was close to the surface and a shifter wanted to change shape—but then they returned to his normal dark blue. "Aye, let's chat. I want to know everything."

River shared his findings and went into detail about the procedure. Once he finished, the shifter Dark Lord leaned back in his chair and said, "Even being able to see a wee bit will be a miracle, aye? It might help her move easier about London."

"Just be grateful this is such a fucking cloudy and rainy country. She will need tinted glasses for the bright, sunny days, though. So make sure to have a pair made as soon as possible."

Everett nodded. "I'll put in an order tomorrow."

With everything laid out on the table, Everett gave one more threat—"Hurt my sister and I'll gouge your bloody eyes out."—before they parted and River went back to his room.

Even if he wished he could have Nora sleeping next to him, he was a little giddy about using his magic the next day. So much shit had gone on recently that he hadn't had time to focus on his healing abilities, or remember how much he loved helping others.

He was just fucking glad he could do something for Grace. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.

So after visualizing exactly how he'd make the necessary repairs, jotting some notes for himself, and running through a number of magical exercises to ensure his "muscles" were ready to go, River finally crashed into bed and fell asleep like a log.

But it wasn't peaceful for long. No, he woke up hours later, screaming bloody murder.


Everyone had retired for the night, but Nora had trouble falling asleep before two or three in the morning.

So she worked on more correspondence to both her brothers, as well as to her safe haven houses. She lost track of time until suddenly, she heard a loud, never-ending male scream.

One that sounded as if someone were trying to murder him.

Not caring if she was in her dressing gown, Nora opened her door and realized the sound came from River's room down the hall. She ran to it and pounded on the door.

However, there was no response. She tried the doorknob, and it turned, so she dashed inside and stopped a few feet from the bed.

River screamed, and arched his back, and acted as if he were trying to get away from something extremely painful.

The sight broke her heart. All she wanted was to make it stop.

But even if he hadn't regained his full health, River was a lot stronger than she was. And if she tried to intervene, he probably would buck her off and might even hurt her.

She heard Dark Lord Black's voice behind her. "Bloody hell, what's wrong with him?"

Nora shook her head. "I can only guess, but they're nightmares." She glanced at Everett. "Can you stop his thrashing? Please? I'm afraid he'll hurt himself."

With a grunt, Everett went to the bed, watching River's movements, and he finally moved so fast Nora nearly missed it. However, within a second, the wolf had River pinned in place.

However, River's screams only grew louder.

With him restrained, Nora rushed to his side. "River, can you hear me? It's Nora. Wake up, darling. It's me. No one can hurt you here, I promise."

He acted as if he didn't hear her, his movements becoming even wilder, if that were possible.

The sight made her throat close with emotion.What are you seeing, River? And how can I make it go away?

Everett spoke. "Try touching his skin. I'll keep him in place, just in case it makes it worse. But sometimes a familiar touch can help ease a case like this."