But she had so many questions. And when they were finally alone in private again, Nora would have to work up the nerve to ask them. Because if her claiming could be nice instead of painful, she desperately wanted to learn how.


Watching Nora daintily eat her ice cream, the pink tip of her tongue licking up every last drop, had given River a raging hard-on and it'd taken everything he had not to pull her into his lap and kiss her.

At least being horny in public was a hell of lot better than earlier, when he'd wanted to fucking murder someone after Nora had asked why the "after kissing" part always hurt.

Although as she licked her spoon clean and smiled without realizing it, River had to adjust himself discreetly beneath the table.

Fuck, he wanted to feel that dainty tongue everywhere.

He most definitely wanted to answer her questions and offer himself up to prove it could feel good to have his tongue between her thighs. Or, eventually, his dick inside her sweet pussy.

Needing to distract himself before his thoughts turned even dirtier, he cleared his throat and asked, "So? Was it as good as you imagined?"

She beamed and it did something to his heart. "Yes, so much so I want to order three more flavors."

He gestured toward the menu on the table. "Then pick them and do it. Life's too short to have regrets."

She shook her head. "No, I can't. Eating food again is still new to me, and rich things I have to be careful of." She bit her lip and then leaned forward to whisper, "Although maybe I could try the one made with blood."

He did his best not to grimace. "As long as I don't have to eat that kind, go for it."

She touched his foot under the table with his. "No, I was merely jesting. Yesenia can barely stomach watching others drink blood—apart from Leo, of course, taking from her—without paling and she's been here for months."

He raised an eyebrow. "I am a doctor, you know. I can handle a little blood."

"Perhaps. However, I'm fairly sure you didn't drink it as part of your studies." He made a face and Nora laughed before adding, "All right, I'll stop teasing you now."

River couldn't resist touching her foot with his own, loving how she didn't flinch at the casual touch. "Tease me as much as you like, baby. But just know I'll get you back soon enough."

She laid her hand on the table and without thinking, he took it and threaded his fingers through hers. Nora's gaze immediately went to their clasped hands and she watched as he strummed her soft, warm skin with his thumb.

Her cheeks turned pink and he was about to ask what she was thinking about when a female voice asked, "Nora Yates? Is that you?"

Nora glanced over her shoulder and tensed. She tugged at her hand and River released it.

River looked at the older female, maybe in her sixties in appearance with wrinkled, pale skin and gray hair—people in this time most definitely aged quicker—and instantly didn't like the judgmental look in her blue eyes.

Since Nora was still silent, the female walked closer and sneered, "How dare you show your face here. I don't want to subject my daughter and granddaughter to a morally corrupt whore such as yourself. You need to leave and scurry back into whatever hole you live in."

Nora looked like a deer caught in the headlights, her eyes wide and her body so still she could've been a statue.

Not wanting the judgmental bitch to keep ripping Nora a new one, River stood and decided he'd step in until Nora told him to back off. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you see we're having a nice time here? Why would you ruin it because of your narrow-minded prejudices?"

The older vampire female sniffed at him. "American accent and pointed ears. You must be related to the Dark Lord's…" She paused, scowled, and her voice filled with disdain as she added, "…bride."

"That bride is my sister, yes. And even if I'm not a vampire, I'm pretty sure if word got back about you dissing Yesenia to Dark Lord Yates, it'd be bad news."

The other female's demeanor slipped a little. "I haven't said anything bad. She is his fated one, and I have to accept that. However, she"—the bitch waved at Nora, who had slumped her shoulders and hugged her upper body as if to protect herself—"knows who and what she did and shouldn't be here. Whores don't deserve respect, let alone should be allowed into more respectable establishments such as Cole's."

River clenched the fingers of one hand into a fist. He didn't hit females, but as he saw how miserable and ashamed Nora was, he thought about it for first time in his life. "What's your name?"

The bitch raised her chin and remained silent. However, someone else in the room said, "Prudence Hartwell."

Prudence glared at the random vampire, but River didn't care. He took another step forward. "Well, Prudence Hartwell, trust me that my brother-in-law will hear of this. But even without the Dark Lord's interference, I have a warning for you." He looked around the room. "For all of you." And before he could realize how fucking stupid and spur of the moment it was, he blurted, "Nora Yates is my fiancée. And if anyone, I repeat anyone, disrespects her, I will defend her with my life and do whatever the fuck it takes to make your life a living hell."

Nora stared at him with wide eyes. He knew exactly why, but he wanted to get them home before talking about his sudden declaration.