Nora searched his eyes, and after the longest few seconds of his life, she nodded. "I promise to only ask when I truly can't take it anymore and I'm about to panic."

The thought of Nora panicking didn't sit well with him.

However, River kept a smile on his face. His plan was to distract her with so many questions about what he saw that she wouldn't have time to worry. Or at least not much.

He put out his hand. "Then shall we go, my lady?"

She smiled at his super politeness. "Why, yes, I'd be delighted, my lord."

River chuckled, and as soon as she placed her hand in his, he gripped it firmly but not too tightly and moved to the door. "Then let's go."

* * *

Nora's heartthundered inside her chest. Both from River's large hand wrapped around hers and because they were nearing the side door where the family section of the gaming hell exited into an alley.

How she'd allowed River to convince her to do this, she had no idea.

But the fae witch was charming when he wanted to be. And a small part—very small—wanted to see if she could walk at least a few steps down the street. Between Leo getting married and her son staying away more than ever before, Nora spent a lot of time alone. And as much as she liked to read or pen letters, there were so many other things she'd love to do.

Such as visit her safe haven houses and help those inside them. Or maybe even visit the orphanage Leo had built a few years ago, specifically so humans who found themselves with a half-vampire child in their belly could have a place to leave it, if they didn't have any other choice.

And Nora had never taken care of a baby—Ambrose had been seven when he'd truly became hers—and she wondered what it'd feel like to hold one, or sing to one, or rock them to sleep.

So when they finally reached the door leading to the outside, she took a deep breath to steady herself. River paused, raised his brows, and Nora nodded. "I'm ready to try. As long as you truly are well enough to walk that distance."

He smiled—every time he did, it made her insides flutter a little because he was far too handsome—and turned the doorknob. "If there's ice cream at the end of it, then I definitely have the energy. So let's go."

The door opened and a light breeze caressed her skin. River tightened his grip on her hand and tugged gently.

Nora took one step and then another, grateful that River had slowed his pace. Because as she moved a few feet outside, to the edge of the awning over the door, she stopped, her heart racing and her breathing fast. "I need a second."

He nodded and tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow.

They were in a side alley, so no one could really see them although she could see people walking past on the pavement.

Males in three-piece suits, females in a variety of fashions from sensible skirts with shirtwaists to the more ridiculous outfits with bustles and tight-fitting skirts that were difficult to walk in.

Without thinking, she blurted, "Fashion has changed so much since the last time I was outside."

River squeezed her hand on his arm. "If that's a shock for you, then just imagine being in my shoes. Males and females bare their legs when it's warm, most of their arms, and clothes are pretty tight-fitting compared to all the ginormous sleeves and even tailcoats, or whatever the fuck they're called, for the males."

At the thought of baring her legs for all to see, she flushed from embarrassment. "But why would you show so much skin?"

He shrugged one shoulder. "Because it's hot out? And honestly, it depends where you live. In some parts of the world they still wear clothes that fully cover their bodies, no matter the weather. But Newark is most definitely not that place." He snorted. "Some of the reality shows really make New Jersey out to be something else."

"What's a reality show?"

He gestured his head toward the street. "How about this—I'll explain it to you as we walk?"

She eyed River closely. Nora hated to be manipulated.

Although she had a feeling River would tell her, even if she refused to walk further.

And truly, she was outside and didn't feel like running or hiding, so she should capitulate on that before something made her panic.

Nodding, she replied, "All right."

He squeezed her hand again—she was growing to love his little touches, strange as that was—and they walked slowly toward the end of the alley, where it met the street. "So? What is it? Yesenia has explained some strange things to me, but not this reality show you mentioned."