River had luckily been able to claim exhaustion to avoid Yesenia's inquisition. He suspected she could tell something was between him and Nora, but he was in no way ready to share it with anyone, not even his older sister.

But even after bathing and napping, River lay in his bed, his hands behind his head, and felt like a goddamn teenager again, mooning over his somewhat tame kiss with Nora Yates.

Despite all the shit she'd endured, she still had a shy sweetness about her.

River had never thought he'd fall for the good, naïve type of girl. Hell, he'd always had a thing for slightly older females simply because they had more experience. They tended to know what they liked and weren't afraid to ask for it.

Nora was older than him—much older, thanks to the way vampires had their weird-ass frozen states—but she was still so fucking innocent. Her kisses had been uncertain at first, although she was a quick learner. If not for her fang grazing him—and making him come in his pants like a horny thirteen-year-old boy—he would've simply kissed her for as long as she would've let him.

Even just remembering her soft lips, her feminine scent, and her quiet groans had his dick hard as a rock.

Although given what he knew of her—she'd been chained to a bed, for fuck's sake, and brutally raped for years—he didn't know if she'd ever let him do more than bare minimum to complete the claiming and stave off going crazy.

Just hearing about the motherfucker who'd made her play piano as she bled made him want to kill someone.

Too bad the bastard was already dead.

The clock on the mantel chimed, reminding him he had to meet with Leo before supper. Apparently his brother-in-law had finally thought it was time for a chat.

It didn't take long for Bates to help him dress and River used the crutches to walk to Leo's study. Each time he slept, he grew stronger. Maybe by tomorrow he could walk on his own.

Reaching the correct door, he knocked and entered. However, Leo wasn't alone. No, a male who looked a hell of a lot like him leaned against the side of the desk while Leo sat behind it.

Leo gestured toward the seat in front of the desk. "Sit down." He gestured to the other vampire. "This is my younger brother, Laurie. I thought it'd save us time to chat with you together."

River awkwardly maneuvered into the chair. "If this is about Nora, you do know she's been an adult for a fucking long time, right, and can make her own choices?"

Laurie snorted. "You're one of the few who doesn't fear my brother, I see."

River shrugged. "Yesenia loves me and he'd never do anything to cause her pain, which he'd do if he hurt me."

Leo growled. "If you think that means I'm giving you carte blanche with my sister, then think again, arsehole."

Adopting his best authoritative doctor voice, River replied, "Let's cut through the bullshit right here and now. What happens between me and Nora is none of your fucking business. So if that's the only reason I'm here, then we're done."

Laurie raised his brows while Leo narrowed his eyes.

River could already tell that Laurie would be the easier one to win over. But he wasn't about to roll over for Leo. He wouldn't challenge him openly in public—River understood good optics were necessary for leaders—but in private? It was open season.

Leo replied, "My sister is precious to me, and she's suffered far too much in her life. I'm bloody well going to do everything I can to protect her. I don't care if you're Yesenia's brother—hurt Nora, and I will make you a eunuch myself."

River nearly laughed at the absurd line. But then again, given the steel in Leo's eyes, no doubt his brother-in-law had done far worst in the past to protect his people.

It was still strange for River to think of vampires, fae witches, and shifters each having a territory and protecting it like some sort of clan system of old; it definitely hadn't been that way back in Boston where he grew up or where he'd made his more recent home in Newark. However, Yesenia had explained that's how it worked in London, and the truces were still young, in the grander scheme of things.

In other words, she'd politely told him not to fuck things up.

Thinking of his sister, he decided making an enemy of Leo wouldn't be the best move. River leaned forward. "I'd cut off my own dick before I hurt Nora. But she's not a child, Leo. And I think you've been babying her for too fucking long."

Leo glared but it was Laurie who spoke up. "Explain what you mean, witch."

Laurie's smile had vanished, but his gaze wasn't openly hostile like Leo's. The younger brother was still his best bet at getting one of them on his side. "I understand wanting to protect a sister. After all, I have two of them. But it's what, fifty years ago since Nora entered her frozen state, at least until recently? She's been holding a lot of shit inside, much longer than she should've, and even in the short time I've known her, she's revealed stuff. And you know what? It's been good for her." He pointed to each brother in turn. "Stop dancing around shit and talk to her. The Nora you know isn't the whole shebang."

Leo stood and placed his hands on the desk, leaning forward. "How dare you try to say you know my sister better, witch. I love her, and only want to protect her."

River had dealt with overprotective relatives during his time as a doctor back in Newark. So he had an inkling of what to say. "I don't doubt you love her. Fuck, you've made it so she didn't ever have to leave this building if she didn't want to. But sometimes what we think someone needs and what they actually need are two different things. And if you think I'm full of shit, then ask Nora if she even wants a piano in that big sitting room."

Leo frowned. "She loved to play as a child."