For a second, he wobbled. But gripping the wood tighter in his hands, he kept his balance.

River walked one step, two, and by three, his breathing had picked up.

Yeah, he was going to have one hell of a long fucking recovery. Magic could only do so much before the rest was left up to the individual.

Bates cleared his throat and River looked up. "Like I told you before, Bates, just say whatever the fuck you want around me. I don't care about this whole servant/employer bullshit."

"If I may, Dr. Vale, I'd like to send a note to Mr. Ambrose and see if he'll help you."

All River knew about Ambrose was A) he was mute and B) he was Nora's adult son. The dude hadn't shown his face to River yet. "Why, exactly, do you want to send a note? As far as I know, he works for Leo and does some vigilante shit on the side."

Bates nodded. "True, but Mr. Ambrose has worked with males and females he's rescued in the past, and has a knack of helping people recover the strength and use of their limbs after they've been broken. He may be able to help you."

For a beat, he stared at Bates. Was he trying to get him to spend time with Ambrose so that River would better know Nora? The valet was the only one who knew River had sent Nora some gifts—he'd still never talked to her about that—and also knew he was the vampire's fated lord.

He'd found that bluntness worked best with Bates, so River grunted. "Is he going to want to help the male who's eventually going to fuck his mother?"

Bates blinked but quickly regained his composure. "Just because humans are quite restrained and judgmental about intimacy in this time doesn't mean paranormals are. Mr. Ambrose wouldn't hold that against you because letting his mother claim you means she won't end up mad." Bates tugged at his own shirt sleeves. "Now, are you done trying to shock me so I can send that note?"

River smiled. "I have no fucking idea why, but I rather like you, Bates." The vampire valet tilted his head in acknowledgment and River continued, "Yeah, go ahead and send it. I'd rather start meeting and getting over the various talks Nora's relatives will give me anyway."

Leo had still mostly kept his distance, which confused the hell out of him. Yesenia gushed about her husband and how he was caring and spoiling her, but to River, the vampire Dark Lord had been pretty fucking distant and aloof.

"Very good, Dr. Vale. I'd suggest sitting in the chair by the fire and I'll have a tray sent up. Once I have word from Mr. Ambrose, I'll let you know."

"Awesome, Bates. Thanks."

The valet watched as River hobbled—and sweated—his way to the chair and clumsily sat in it. Only then did Bates leave.

River briefly closed his eyes and gathered some necessary strength to face Nora's son and his no doubt shitload of questions and/or threats he'd be slinging his way.

And to think he'd thought dating had been hard in the future. At least he'd never had to face a chick's family before even so much as kissing her.

* * *

Nora wasin the middle of her latest correspondence—with the matron of her London sanctuary house for paranormal females—when someone knocked on her study door. "Enter."

Looking up, she smiled as her son walked in and sat in the chair in front of her desk. "Ambrose. I wasn't expecting you today."

In fact, her son had stayed away ever since their last talk, which hadn't ended well.

He shrugged and then signed, "Bates asked me to help Vale, so I'm here."

Since Yesenia was no longer a Vale but a Yates since her marriage, it meant Ambrose had come to see River. "Help with what?"

"Recovery. Similar to what I do with those at the sanctuary houses."

She stiffened a second at the mention of those places, given Ambrose's last conversation with her when he'd said he fought to take villains down and free others to make the world safer for her.

Not wanting to cry or anger him again, she kept it to a safer topic—River. "That's nice of you. I'm sure he could use the company." Ambrose raised his brows in question and she shook her head. "No, I've been too busy to help him much in recent days."

"Have you discussed the claiming with him yet?"

Leave it to Ambrose to get straight to the point. She bit her lip and then shook her head. "No. His sister mentioned to him about being my fated lord, but we haven't really talked about it."

Ambrose leaned forward. "I'll help him as long as you promise to do so soon. If something should happen to him before the claiming, you'll lose your mind. No matter what's between us, or if we have a disagreement, I never want that, Mother."

She nodded. "I know. I'm trying my best, Ambrose. Please believe me."