Page 98 of Made in Vengeance

He grinned. “I’ll blend right in.”


“Enough,” Damien said, getting our attention. “The longer we stay out here, the more we’ll draw attention to ourselves. Let's get inside the house.”

Nikolay cracked his neck. “I heard the enforcer is big on reading. You think there is a fancy library around this huge-ass house?”

I nodded. That would be the meeting point. “I’m sure we can find it. I’ll get Ricci and bring him there. How are you guys going to get in?”

“Climb the window,” Damien answered casually.

“Cyka blyat,” Nikolay groaned. “I call the fun part next time we do this.”

I looked at him with one eyebrow rose. “You think I have the fun part?”

His green eyes took on a light gleam. “Of course you do. It’s not every day you get to point a gun at the Bianchis’ enforcer.”

I shook my head, walking back to the house.

Once I got inside, I searched for Catalina. She was by the dessert table, taking a bit of a small cake with a big strawberry on top.

I smiled at the sight.

She didn’t notice me, but Maxim did. He was close to her back, keeping everyone away. She would surely draw attention to herself if she didn’t talk when someone spoke to her, so it was best if Maxim didn’t let anyone approach her.

I nodded at the man and moved to the hallway. No doubt Ricci was around here somewhere.

I came across a room with the door slightly open. I could hear the unmistakable sound of people fucking from inside.

I peeked through and saw two people going at it on the office desk. I ignored that and walked further into the house.

A voice carried from another room, furthest from the living room. I sneaked up on it and pressed my ear against the door.

“Are you sure it’s her and not just someone who looks like her? Why would she be here when she’s—”


I was sure I had just found my target, and he was talking on the phone.

“I got it. Send the message to Francesco right away. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

I moved away from the door and hid in a small corner when I heard footsteps coming in close.

I waited.

Then the door opened, and my target came out.

He was heavily built, with some white in his dark hair, and scarred hands. He was every bit what I imagined he would be.

The Bianchi enforcer was a force to be reckoned with. I had heard of his reputation even before I left Russia, and that was when his influence started gaining traction.

It had made no sense for a man with his reputation to work for the Bianchi Famiglia, a gang barely in its infancy.

He paused once he closed the door behind him, and I held my breath.

When he didn’t turn around but kept walking, I pulled out my gun and came up close to him, placing one hand on his shoulder and pointing the gun directly into his back.

I was impressed. He didn’t even stutter in his steps, as if having someone sneak up on him with a gun was an everyday occurrence.