Page 92 of Made in Vengeance

It didn’t escape my notice that Damien and Nikolay had stopped what they were doing and were now focusing on us.

Was my mood really that obvious?

I shook my head and shot a small smile his way, pulling my hand away, and once more directed my gaze out the window.

I sensed from the corner of my eye that they were looking at each other, but I ignored it.

“Is it your stomach?” Mikhail asked. “Do you have cramps?”

Of course, Nikolay would have told him I was on my period.

I turned back to him, frowning a bit, until I realized I had placed one hand on my stomach. I quickly pulled it away and shook my head.

I usually got cramps the first few days of my period, but it felt bearable this time.

His blue eyes tinged with frustration, but luckily, a flight attendant came by and took our drink orders.

Mikhail ordered me an orange juice, which I was grateful for, even if I didn’t tell him.

I didn’t pay much attention to my surroundings, and I jumped when I felt arms go around me.

Mikhail buckled me in just as the flight attendant came back with our drinks. I took a sip of the orange juice as the plane started to move.

“Are you scared of flying?”

This came from Nikolay. I looked at him and shook my head.

Despite being sheltered my whole life, I had to fly occasionally to accompany my father on some of his trips when he wanted to “show me off.”

I wasn’t scared of flying, and I supposed that was a small blessing because I could only imagine how Father might have exploited that fear had that been the case.

Nikolay and Damien shared a look. I took another sip of the orange juice before placing it on the table in front of me, snuggling into the seat and closing my eyes.

If I pretended to be tired, they would stop asking me questions.

I didn’t want to answer them any more.

The conversations around me turned into hushed whispers. I didn’t care to know what they were talking about, and pretty soon, I could feel a heavy fog descending on my mind.

I fell asleep, though it didn’t feel very long before a heavy hand on my shoulder shook me awake.

I opened my eyes to find three sets of eyes on me, startling me.

Mikhail pulled back. “Sorry, sweetheart. We didn’t mean to scare you, but we’re here.”


“In Vegas.”

I nodded and held onto his arms to stand up. We got out of the plane quickly, with Damien taking the lead, Mikhail close behind me, and Nikolay taking the end.

Las Vegas heat was dry and suffocating, more so than Arizona’s heat. I looked around in the bright sunshine. It couldn’t be past mid-afternoon, and already I could feel the heat of the sun beating down on me. Sweat clung to my neck, and I kept pace, not wanting to be left behind.

Before we walked to the waiting car, all three men took in their surroundings. Leo and Gleb took care of the luggage and got in the car ahead of ours. Kirill took the driver’s seat in our car, and Maxim took the passenger side.

I didn’t know either of the men very well, so I didn’t say much on the ride to the hotel, feeling the heavy focus of my men’s stares on me.

We finally pulled up to a luxurious hotel, and a young man dressed in black came out and opened the door for us.