Page 71 of Made in Vengeance

My dick was now in a semi-permanent state of arousal.

Catalina shifted, sucking in a sharp breath when she felt me between her ass cheeks.

I groaned and buried my face in her neck. “Hold still, princess.”

Her hands moved down to mine, where they were clasped around her middle. She played with my fingers, killing me.

It was the longest car ride I had ever fucking been on.

I couldn’t even remember if anyone asked me anything or if there was any conversation going on around us.

I doubted it would be anything I needed to pay attention to. We tried not to talk about business with Catalina around. Not because we didn’t trust her, but because we didn’t want to taint her any more than we had to with the darkness of this world.

Finally, Kirill pulled up in front of Gabriel’s mansion. I waited until everyone climbed out of the car before pulling back from her. I couldn’t really see her in the dark, but I could make out the gentle curve of her silhouette. And right now, I could tell she was looking at me.

“What are we waiting for?” she asked.

I hesitated for a moment. Then I said, “Nothing, princess. Let’s go inside.”

She let out a small sigh. “Okay.”

I helped her get out of the car. Kirill stood by the car, a cigarette hanging from his lips. He nodded toward us once and was smart enough not to let his eyes linger on Catalina.

We went inside the house with everyone already in the living room. Damien traced Catalina’s every step with his eyes. I wondered if she was even aware of how obsessed he really got with her. And Mikhail, though he had always been easier to read, was even more closed off than Damien had ever been.

He had been like that ever since he realized there was a possibility we could find—her.

He wouldn’t open up to either Damien or me, and though his time with Catalina seemed to have helped him get over whatever it was that had been plaguing him, I still didn’t know how he felt about this new information or what he planned on doing.

It wasn’t like the Bianchi enforcer was an easy man to corner.

I opened my mouth, about to tell everyone I was taking Catalina to bed, when the click, click, click of what could only be five-inch heels on the hardwood floor sounded through the house.

I let out a small groan in frustration and moved Catalina closer to me.

My hand itched for the knife I used to cut her just days before.

I didn’t even know why Gabriel kept the bitch around, besides being nice to look at. Was she really that good of a fuck?

Because I found her voice to be damn abrasive. I couldn’t even imagine what the fuck she would sound like in bed. I internally shuddered at the thought.

Melinda walked in wearing a short skimpy black dress that was similar to the one Catalina had on, but she looked nothing like Catalina, no matter what she wore.

Too calculating, too conniving by my taste.

I wondered how Gabriel slept at night.

It wouldn’t come as a surprise if she tried to sneak up on him when his guard was down.

Lucky for the fucker, he was even more paranoid than Damien.

She smiled brightly at everyone until her eyes landed on Catalina. Then her gaze narrowed.

I took one step forward, and her eyes widened as she took half a step back. She would be smart not to test my control. I was barely holding on by a thread.

I felt small hands grasping my own. It was the only thing keeping me tethered to the ground right now.

“Let’s go,” I said softly to Catalina. She nodded and smiled shyly at me.