Page 159 of Made in Vengeance

And just when I was getting comfortable with him.

My eyes stung, and I looked away.

“Don’t tell me you’re getting soft for the girl?” Luca asked.

Leo didn’t say anything.

“Fine,” Luca said. “But I have to do something first. Sorry, girl, but this might hurt just a little.”

He signaled to Leo, who came forward with something in his hand. A metal thing of some sort—it looked like a cross between pliers and scissors. I didn’t know what it was, but I was scared to find out.

I shook my head. My eyes pleaded with Luca to leave me alone, but he ignored me.

I let out a startled cry when he wrapped his huge hand around my leg, moving it down to my anklet. And to my horror, he cut it off.

How did Leo know there was a tracking device in the anklet?

My mouth opened, but nothing came out.

Luca placed a black bag on the bed. I didn’t even remember him walking in with it. My mind felt foggy, and my heart thudded heavily in fear from the sight. I shook my head when he opened a bag and pulled out a few items. A small, sharp-looking knife, a small black ball the size of a marble, and a surgical needle kit.

I shook my head and tried to back away, but I couldn’t get anywhere. My hands and legs were bound. Fuck.

Luca turned to Leo. “You might want to leave the room.”

My eyes begged Leo not to go, trying to make eye contact with him and shaking my head. Small whimpering noises escaped my lips as he walked out and closed the door gently behind him.

Luca turned to me, his eyes devoid of anything human.

I shook my head again.

I watched as he prepared the surgical thread and needle before putting it back down.

He grabbed my arm and held it out, lifting the knife.

I watched in horror as the sharp point bit into the inside of my forearm, and he sliced down until there was a small vertical line. I screamed, trying to get my arm back. The pain was nothing I had ever experienced before.

Blood began to seep from the cut, and Luca worked quickly.

He spread the flaps of flesh open. I cried out, but he might as well not have heard my screams by the way he wasn’t reacting.

“P-please,” I begged. “No more. Please stop.”

He looked at me. “Huh? So you do speak.”

I cried harder when he grabbed the black ball. He shoved it in the opening he’d made and grabbed the needle.

I flexed my arm muscles, but that only reminded me that something foreign was inside of me.

Tears blurred my vision.

He stitched my skin together.

Nausea built. I was going to be—

I turned to the side and hurled on the bed. More tears fell, stinging my eyes as my stomach hollowed, making me feel worse.

“Stupid girl. Can’t you handle a bit of pain?”